No I in team

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Nya’s POV

After getting away from the shadow army, Seliel and I start our way to the temple of light.

"So, you say there is a group called the Reforms? Who are they?" Seliel asks.

I laugh, "Well, (Y/n) always has this way of giving certain people a second chance."

"And, (Y/n) is the purple one, right?" She asks

I nod, "Yeah, she's the leader of the Reforms. Though, if you decide to visit you might see a giant snake."

"How big is the snake?" Seliel questions.

I think for a while, "Almost as big as the Great Devourer."

"Yeah, no. I'm think I'm just going to stay solo for the time being." She tells me.

I stop walking as I feel the ground slightly shake, "Uh, do you feel that?"

"Yeah, but what's causing it?" Seliel wonders.

We look behind us and see a bunch of shadow soldiers running at us, but then I see Cole, Jay, Zane, and Kai running away from the soldiers.

"How do they always end up in these situations?" I question.

"You tell me, it's your team!" Seliel exclaims as we start running as well.

"Wait up, sis!" Kai calls out.

The boys catch up with us and we all run from the soldiers together.

"At least we found you two." Jay says to me and Seliel.

"I believe we need a distraction." Zane states.

Seliel takes out a smoke pellet, "I got your distraction right here!"

She throws the smoke pellet onto the ground and we immediately climb the trees as the shadow army chases after nothing.

Lloyd’s POV

Morro, Master Wu and I ran as fast as we could through the forest. Eventually we came to a stop at the base of the Mountain that lead to the Temple of Light to catch our breath.

"I can't believe we just left them behind!" I exclaim before glaring at Morro, "Why didn't you do something?!"

"ME?!" Morro retorted, "What could I've done?!"

"Oh gee I don't know, maybe something other than leaving both my sister AND mother alone when neither of them can protect themselves!" I state.

Morro glared, "Don't pretend that just because (Y/n) doesn't have powers means she's useless!" He tells me.

I grab his shirt, "That's not the point! My mom's injuried and (Y/n) can't fight Senka and her goons all be herself-"


We turn to Wu as he glares at us, "We mustn't lose our unity now, if we allow our emotions divide anymore than already are then we will all fall to the Shadow Horde."

Morro and I look at each other with guilt as I let go of him, "Sorry Morro." I apologize, "I'm just…"

"I know," Morro says, holding my shoulder, "If I had a family as awesome as yours, I'd be worried about them too."

"But you do, my family is your family too. Even if you don't marry my sister someday." I joke as Morro blushes.

He then holds out his hand to me, "So, brothers?"

I smile back and took his hand, "Brothers!" I say before I felt a pain in my chest. Morro supported me as I almost went down to my knees again, "The Darkness, it's getting stronger."

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