Ninja Roll

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(Y/n)'s POV

While the Ninja were watching Skyler's match I was in Clouse's room looking at his spell book.

'Maybe we could learn this stuff without his help.'

"Maybe, but we should leave soon before he finds out we're here."

"He might even know already."

'I just want to memorize some stuff, we'll be fine.'

I flipped through a few more pages and stopped at Object Manipulation.

The spell seems complicated, but if I master it then it should be fairly easy.

If I use the spells in this book, I could find Zane alot faster.

'Can you keep watch while I practice this?'


Senka separated from my body and stood by the door while I got in a meditating position.

I closed my eyes and focused on the objects that I know are in the room.

I lifted my hand and took a deep breath, I opened my eyes and...nothing happened.

I groaned, "This is harder than I thought.

"Maybe it's similar to how you re-created the Bizzaros." Senka says from the door.

"Maybe." I closed my eyes again and focused on how the Bizzaros were brought to life.

I heard something moving and opened my eyes to see one of the statues in the corner coming to life.

"No, no, no!" I ran over to it and tried to stop it from moving.

"Stop moving!" I yell.

The status stopped and returned to the position it was originally in.

I sighed and sat back down in the middle of the floor.

'Let's try this again.'

I closed my eyes and decided to focus on the feeling of the room instead of the objects.

I felt movement, like something was stretching.

I opened my eyes and saw the trees on the wallpaper moving, I smiled and moved my hand to the right. The trees stretched from the wallpaper and into the center of the room.

'So cool!'

"You seem to be using the magic quite well, I see." I froze from the recognized voice and the trees went back to the wallpaper.

"How in the world." Senka merged back with me, seeing no reason to guard the door.

"You've done well, but you could do better with my help." Clouse suggests.

"I don't need your help!" I snapped. "Just let me use the book."

He came and sat next to me and put his arm out.

I looked at him confused, but then put my arm out

I followed his movements for a few more seconds, and the trees from the wallpaper came back into the middle of the room.

Except...they were becoming real trees.

I grinned at the display of magic and touched one of the now alive trees.

"You have potential, you could be an even greater student than your father ever was. You'll become much stronger with my help." Clouse says.

"Maybe even strong enough, to get your robotic friend back."

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