Pirates vs. Ninja

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(Y/n)'s POV

The ninja are training Lloyd while I am decorating my awesome suite.

I actually somehow convinced Uncle Wu to let me do my training with Lloyd somewhere else and that I had to 'fix it up' to make it look presentable.

"I'm surprised he didn't ask anymore questions."

'This is Lloyd we're talking about, of course he trust me.'

When Lloyd comes to the suite, it's my  job to train him in the element of darkness. I'm also responsible for training his endurance.

'Elemental power isn't going to be much use if you run out of steam too quickly.'

The other ninja are responsible for training him in their own elemental power. They're also responsible for teaching Lloyd how to fight, it was originally my responsibility, but I was having trouble doing that.

"You're trained by two different people. It makes sense."

Uncle Wu is in charge of teaching Lloyd how to...find the calm within. He and Lloyd often meditate, but Lloyd doesn't have a lot of patience for that.

And finally, there's Nya, who's in charge of teaching Lloyd about ultra dragon and how to take care of him.

There's suddenly a knock on the door and I smile before going over and letting Lloyd in.

"About time you got here." I tease.

He looks around a bit, "I like what you've done with the place."

"Only the best for my little brother. You ready?" I ask him.

He nods and heads to the training room and I turn the lights off, starting his training.

"As a ninja, there will be times when you fight and times when you can't fight. Something could be holding you back and your only choice would be to dodge. Like now for example." I turn on the training course, "You can't see anything, so you need to use your others senses. Your goal is to find your way out the room, we'll move onto the next thing once you do that."

After that I leave the room and shut the door. Next thing I know, I hear a lot of grunting and hisses of pain as Lloyd gets hit by the training course.

"This seems a bit harsh, doesn't it?"

'For any other kid, yes. But for Lloyd Garmadon? He'll be fine.'

After about five minutes, it goes quiet and I could tell Lloyd is actually starting to think on what to do. I then hear soft footsteps carefully moving around the room. There's another grunt of pain, but then it goes silent again. After a few more minutes, the door slides open, revealing a pretty roughed up Lloyd, but he looks happy with himself nonetheless.

"I did it!" He cheers.

"You sure did." I tell him, "You really are a fast learner. It took me two hours to figure that out."

"Really?!" He exclaims.

"Yep. But that doesn't mean you'll become better than me anytime soon." I state with a smirk.

"Yes I will! I'll be the best ninja ever! Then I'll be the one protecting you!" Lloyd declares.

My heart melts at the statement and I ruffle his hair, "That sounds great, buddy. Now let's get back to the others."

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