Brawl in the Family

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(Y/n)’s POV

I find myself in a dark void. I look around but see nothing, but I hear faint whispering all around me.

“Hello? Lloyd, Mom? Guys? Anybody?!” I call out.

'What's happening?! Where am I?!'

I continue to look around, trying to find a way out, but as I turn to look somewhere else, I suddenly find myself back at the Resurrection temple.

"What am I doing here?" I question

No one was here at the temple, yet everything from the ceremony still remained.

But then suddenly, every torch in the room lit up with purple flames before a black arm broke out from the Pedestal.

I gasps as I'm brought back into the dark void.

'Father?! No, it can't be possible, we stopped the ceremony, I closed the rift!'

"They…call…me." I hear dad's voice, echoing around the void.

"No, please, you were supposed to stay in the Departed Realm!" I plead, "I don't want to have to fight you again!"

"They…call…me." He repeats.

"Who is they?!" I question.

"Ha…ru…mi." Dad speaks.


"(Y…/n)." He adds.


I get brought onto solid ground, and I find myself in the streets of Ninjago, but it looks apocalyptic as rain pours down around me. I let out some breaths, but that was before I felt something over me.

I look up to see a giant fist heading straight for me, "Whoa!" I yell and quickly run out its way before it could smash me. As I got farther from the giant foot, I realized that it was a rock giant.

The giant continued to walk before I see Lloyd in its path, and he's just staring at it with a frown and he's eyes looked…empty.

"Lloyd, move!" I yell. But it was too late, the rock giant crushes Lloyd under his hand, "Lloyd!"

I turn around to avoid seeing his body, but then I see my grandfather looking at me from down the street, "Grandfather?" I ask before he holds out a bag of travelers tea to me. "What's that?"

Grandfather looks at me with no answer, but then a fist from the rock giant hurtles down towards him, "No!" I reach out to him.

He just stands there as the fist gets closer and closer, until…

I gasp as I sit up and look around. I was in the tavern with the ninja. Lloyd seems to be sulking and the others are singing their hearts out in karaoke.

I groan as I rub my eyes, "Stupid nightmare." I grumble.

I get up and walk over to Lloyd, who was still sulking.

"What do you want?" He asks, seemingly not in the mood for conversation.

"Look, you're hurt, I'm hurt, so let's be hurt together because I don't trust myself alone with my thoughts, it's going to make me paranoid." I tell him as I lean on the banister next to him.

We stand in silence for a couple of minutes before mom decides to approach us.

"You cared for her didn't you?" She asks us.

'I still do…'

"What does it matter?" Lloyd questions as he turns the other way.

"It matters to you." Mom replies, "Bruises go away. Bones break and heal. But getting your heart broken?" She looks at me, "Getting betrayed?" Mom puts a hand on one of our shoulders, "Take time to mourn, but don't let it destroy you. If you bury what's good about you beneath a hard shell, you'll turn out no better than Harumi."

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