Public Enemy Number One

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(Y/n)'s POV

It's been days since we all split up. Scales Jr had brought me to the tomb under Ninjago City. It was a risky move since the people looking for the ninja are right above us, but I had nowhere else to go.

The Serpentine made me a snake den for me to stay in. Surprisingly, they got the basic necessities for me to live off of.

"Technically, they made everything from hand, using the materials in the tomb.

'Hey, they did their best.'

It was currently lunch time and I, along with everyone else, was sitting on the floor eating, while one of them told a story. Though, I was rather...occupied.

"Stop checking your phone."

'But what if there's an update on the ninja's whereabouts?'

Coincidentally, a notification pops up on my phone showing the news. I exuse myself from the group and walk away to see what's going on.

"The ninja haven't been seen in days, but that dosen't stop one from updating his status. @Fi-ya13 posted: A place of peace, a place to fight, a siblinghood born on one faithful night."

My eyes widen and I turn my phone off.

'The Monastery!'

"Looks like it's time to go."

I nod and head back to the group. "Guys, I'm gonna have to leave, I probably won't be back for a while."

The snakes say their goodbyes and Scales Jr gives me one last hug before I go.

I run through the tunnel that would get me closest to the Monastery, and after thirty minutes, I made it.

I come up from underground and see (D/n) already waiting for me.

"Of course you knew I'd be here." I smile before mounting him.

He takes off and we reach the Monastery within five minutes. Zane, Morro, and Kai were already here. But then Lloyd, Cole, and Jay arrive shortly after.

"Seriously? I was the last one to figure out it was Wu's old Monastery. And Lloyd wasn't even trained here." Jay complains.

"What happened to this place?" Morro  asks.

"It got burned down by the Hypnobrai." I answer.

"It'll only be a matter of time before they find this place too, so their isn't much time." Lloyd says. "Zane, show them what you found."

Zane walks over to a wall and projects a recording from his eyes.

"I came across security footage of Sensei at the library of Domu. He was not alone."

"He look. It's Wu." Cole states.

"Wasn't that obvious."

The security footage shows Wu reading a book, but then looking behind him after a puff of smoke appeared.

"What happened? Who was he looking at?" Kai questions.

"We don't know, but no one's seen him since." Cole tells him.

"The library database indicated he had checked out a book about the teapot of Tyran." Zane explains.

"We originally thought we may be dealing with Clouse. If this is what I think it is, it appears to be much worse. We may have a Djinn on our hands."

Zane's eyes stop showing the security footage and he turns back to us.

"A Djinn?" Jay asks.

"Like a genie, only when he grants you wishes, you'll be wishing you never met him." Nya explains.

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