Out of the Fire and into the Boiling Sea

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Acronix's POV

We've been flying on this ship for a long time, and it makes me weary that we're possibly getting lured into a trap…also, I have no signal out here.

"Destination dead ahead!" Commander Machia yells out.

"Excellent, Supreme Commander Machia." Krux states, "The final Time Blade will soon be mine."

"Ours." I correct.

"Unless this is all a ninja trick to trap us in the middle of nowhere." Commander Machia says and I nod in agreement.

"It had best not be. For his sake." I state, gesturing to Wu.

I watch them converse while I kept my eyes on Wu's aging figure. I suddenly feel someone staring at me and I turn to meet Krux’s heated glare.

I roll my eyes before walking somewhere else on the ship. I was still shock to learn that Krux would actually threaten to harm Kai and Nya when they were defenseless children. I’ve always lived my life fighting with honor and pride while my brother has no care for honor since I’ve return.

Now I’m left question my place in this battle for the Time Blades.

(Y/n)'s POV

"Ew.  No matter how many times you see it watching those suckers hatch is gross." Jay says.

"Jay. Less watching, more helping!" Lloyd exclaims as we run away from the giant group of Vermillion warriors.

'I mean, he's got a point.'

"Not the time, sis!"

"You know guys, I was thinking now that we got Ninjago's workers out of here, maybe we should join them." Jay suggests.

"What about Master Wu?" I ask.

"He's gone." He tells me, "It's a strategic retreat."

"Strategic retreat is just a fancy way of saying giving up." Cole states.

"What do you think, Lloyd?" Jay questions, "Your the Master-in-training here.”

"We need to regroup at the temple." Lloyd replies before turning to a certain nindroid, "Zane, cover ice."

Zane uses his powers to make a huge ice dome, completely cutting us off from the Vermillion Warriors.

Unfortunately, our relief was short-lived as they start launching boulders at the ice.

"Quick! Before they get through!" Lloyd exclaims.

We start to run into the sewers, but then Zane stops and turns back to the ice dome, "One moment. I'm getting a signal."

"What?! Now?!" Morro questions.

"Oh yeah? Does it sound anything like this…'Move your but, Zane!' " Jay yells.

"Cyrus Borg. I must retrieve him." Zane states.

"Wait. You're totally outnumbered." Cole tells him.

"He's right." Lloyd agrees, "There's like, a million more Vermillion out there.”

"Can we talk about this away from the breaking ice dome?" I ask.

"There's no way we could possibly save him all by yourself." Jay says before running over to Zane, "So I'm coming with you."

We turn to him surprised. “What? We're ninja. Saving people is, you know, what we do.” He defends.

“Dah, electric Ninja is right.” Karloff says before we see the dome about to break.

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