Poor Jared Just Can't Win!

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Hey all, I know requests are taking forever and I keep promising results, and I am gonna give results, I am just behind and I am holding myself at a higher standard now, so when I write I am being beyond careful with how I write. So all this is to say, my writing may be a bit different.

This wonderful and amazing request was asked for by the wonderful, incredible RosieParker09. I hope this story is as good as you wanted. Enjoy! . DIARRHEA AND VOMIT WARNING!
It started with a few harsh words between husband and wife one night, then became a normal side show that happened all the time, to the point where neither one knew which one was going to snap first. Until one fateful day, things got unusually messy between them leaving both sides broken and scarred. 

The kitchen door slammed shut, causing Jared to visibly flinch… a slam like that can only mean . one of two things: either Gen just wasn't paying attention, which was highly unlikely. Or she was pissed off… again, which was extremely more likely. He slowly turned in his seat to greet her, a tight smile on his face, all the stress and anxiety in his body amping up notch when he saw the anger darkening her eyes and features. 

"Hey Gen, you okay?" Jared asked, amazed that his voice was calm, as he looked down at his shaking hands. 

"Why the hell are you home?!" Gen snapped at him, oblivious to his pale face or shaking hands. 

"I wasn't feeling so great, so I came home early." Jared said a bit defensively. He looked at her, his eyes flashing defiantly as if he was challenging her to argue with her unintentionally.  

And of course, she took the bait. "Oh, you weren't feeling good?! Do you have a fever? Are you vomiting or coughing?" she demanded incredulously. 

Jared paled considerably, at her harsh tone. He shook his head in silence, knowing full well that his symptoms were not going to be bad enough to satisfy his wife's angry inquiries. 

"Then why on God's green earth, did you leave work over nothing?!" she yelled, her anger rising higher the more flustered and angry she got. 

Jared swallowed hard, as he flinched away from her words. "It wasn't nothing…" he started to argue, before Gen cut him off again. 

"Don't even start! This is the last straw, I want you out now! For at least a week, maybe longer." Gen demanded, before turning on her heels and exiting the room in a huff. 

Jared sat there stunned, unsure of what he was supposed to do next… he chewed his bottom lip as he felt stomach start churning uncomfortably, which he chalked up to anxiety from the argument. 

"NOW JARED!" Gen yelled from down the hall. Before she stomped back into the kitchen and dropped a full duffle bag at his feet. "There you're packed." she snapped, crossing her arms over her chest. 

Jared blinked in surprise, bent down, and grabbed the duffle bag, before slipping on his shoes and stumbling, a bit off balance out to his truck and drove off the property not noticing that his truck was almost out of gas and it was snowing hard and fast. 

He pulls over on the side of the road about twenty minutes later, when he realizes he couldn't breathe, he was wheezing as he gasped for breath. His thoughts were frantic and chaotic, as they rushed to figure out where he could go and fast. His breathing rushed, heart racing, palms sweating even in the cold (he hadn't turned on the heat in his haste to leave), and head spinning, were all causing his stomach to hurt so bad. 

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