Overworking Causes Migraines...

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This was two prompts in one, from one of my favorite requesters and fans. I hope these are a satisfactory combination of the two prompts. Teenchesters: Sam 13, Dean 17.


John was on a hunt, like always, but that didn't mean the boys didn't still have to prep as hard as if he was there. He expected the boys to work hard, shoot perfectly and clearly, and keep the weapons clean enough to see one's reflection in it.

Dean always had a habit of working out too hard, resulting in him being sore and crabby the following evening. He cared more about doing as he was told by his dad and watching out for Sammy, then he cared about hurting himself.

"Sam, you need to clean the weapons!" Dean yelled from the couch, as he massaged his sore shoulder and temples. Stupid workout had led him to being so sore, he was starting to get a headache.

"I have homework, Dean." Sam snapped from the kitchen table, glaring at the math book in front of him.

"Dad is supposed to be home anytime, and he will tan your hide if you don't clean the weapons until they shine." Dean argued, pinching th bridge of his nose, as the pressure in his head grew turning his headache into a migraine.

"I know, but if I don't get this done, I'm going to fail this class." Sam said heavily, standing up to do what Dean had told him to.

"It's alright, I'll do it. You study, nerd." Dean said, shrugging, before hissing softly in discomfort.

"Thanks, Dean!" Sam exclaimed, sitting back down and starting to study again.

Dean groaned at the sound, before standing up and lumbering stiffly over to the bag of weapons from the couch. He put the bag down on the table, cringing as the sound of the metal banging together echoed in his head, causing him to stagger and almost fall.

"Dean?" Sam asked in concern, jumping to his feet, as he saw his big brother stagger suddenly.

"I'm fine, Sam. Go back to your studying." Dean groaned softly, before sitting down on the couch and getting to work on the weapons. He took each weapon apart, before cleaning each part slowly and carefully, knowing John would be pissed if the weapons were damaged while cleaning them.

Sam sighed softly, sitting back down and watching Dean for a few minutes before getting back to work on his homework. He knew something was bugging Dean, but he also knew his brother would tell him if it was important. He shrugged, getting back to work, losing himself in his math and english homework.

Dean gave up cleaning, when his back felt so tense and tight, it was making his vision blur and his head pound. He leaned back against the couch, grimacing in discomfort, but he was relieved to be able to sit back and close his eyes. He was hoping to be able to take a little nap, lessen the headache, and finish the weapons before their Dad got home.

He kept his eyes closed, dozing off slightly, before he jumped awake, hearing the key turn in the front door's lock. He looked around, confused by why the room still seemed to be blurry and why he was in so much pain.

He looked over at the kitchen table, to see that Sam wasn't there anymore, but he could barely make out the light coming from their bedroom area. The kid must have moved to their room at some point, probably not wanting to wake Dean.

The front door opened with a loud bang, that echoed inside Dean's head, eliciting an unbidden low groan from the oldest Winchester.

John walked in the door, immediately taking in the dismembered weapons all over the coffee table.

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