Stop Holding It In!

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This story was requested by someone that wants to stay anonymous, so I hope you enjoy this! Wee-chesters: Sam 17, Dean 21. 


Dean had been watching his little brother, Sam, all morning. He knew something was wrong, and had his suspicions, but no proof as of yet. Sam had been acting weird all day, especially for a Saturday. 

Normally they would get up, eat breakfast, go for a run, come home and practice their hand-to-hand combat, and finish their morning with some shooting practice out in the woods nearby. However today, Sam kept stopping halfway into everything and swallowing hard a few times, before getting back into it again. 

He could see how pale Sam was, which clued him into his little brother being sick... But how sick? That was the million dollar question. He sighed as he looked over at Sam, who was curled up on the couch, wrapped in a heavy blanket, and dozing through whatever show was on. 

He got up, walked over to Sam silently, and touched the boy's forehead lightly. "Shit! A fever already..." he mumbled to himself, not wanting to startle Sam awake. He walked back over to the table and sat down, looking at his brother thoughtfully. If he was reading the symptoms and behavior correctly, Sam had the stomach flu again. 

He debated long and hard on if he should try to help the situation, or intensify it, forcing the illness to run its course sooner rather than later. He shook his head, knowing that Sam hated throwing up... like bordering on phobia, hated it. He, also, knew that Sam had an aversion to certain foods, foods that would make him gag if he so much as tried to put them in his mouth. 

He shook his head, amazed that he was considering something so cruel and painful. Of course, he would turn it in to a competition, see who could eat the most of whatever gross food he chose, hoping to God that he didn't lose it before Sammy did. 

He quickly jotted down a note for Sam, left it on the coffee table in front of Sam, and left in search of sushi. He knew Sam hated sushi, well not the sushi, just the seaweed. The hard to chew texture, made it ideal for gagging them both, but Sam especially. He wandered around for a couple hours, before finally finding a mini mart with some reasonable looking sushi. He bought some sushi, gatorade, sprite, saltines, and soup. He knew he didn't need any meds, he was still well stocked from the last time Sam got sick. 

Sam lay on the couch, shaking hard as his stomach flipped and churned angrily. He groaned softly, relieved Dean wasn't there to see his drop in composure. He knew he needed to vomit, but he wasn't about to let that happen... not now, not ever. He wasn't in the mood to lose control, which started his panic when he gagged randomly. He swallowed hard a few times, thinking he may not be able to stop it, but at the last second he was able to stop his gag reflex again.

Dean walked in the front door in time to hear Sam gag, and swallow it down again. He mentally cursed, knowing Sam had been doing it all day. 

"Sammy? Let's eat, shall we?" Dean called, as he walked into the kitchen nook of sorts. He knew Sam probably wasn't hungry, but he also knew that even when sick, the boy couldn't turn down a challenge. 

"I'm not hungry, Dean." Sam said tiredly, trying not to show how sick he felt. He slipped his hand down to his stomach, rubbing slow circles in the hopes that his stomach would relax.

"I know... But I bought some sushi... thought we could compete to see if we could eat it." Dean said slyly, knowing that Sam was already miserable. 

Sam groaned inwardly, knowing he couldn't resist a chance to beat Dean in eating a food of any kind. "Fine, but if you hurl before me, you owe me a month's worth of food that's not gross." he said firmly, trying to mask the gag that escaped his lips. He swallowed hard, a few more times, relieved that nothing made it up his throat.

Dean forced himself not to react to the ill-hidden gag, as he laid out the sushi trays and some glasses of milk. "You got a deal, if you puke before me though, you don't get to complain about the gross foods for a month." he challenged, knowing Sammy would take the bait. 

"Fine, deal." Sam said, relenting as he knew that Dean was not going to back down. He got up, shakily, trying to hide his trembling legs and arms. He moved to the table and sat down, swallowing convulsively at the sight of the sushi in front of him. 

Dean sat down on the opposite side of the table, opening both their trays quickly. "On the count of three: one... two... three." he said, as both he and Sam popped a piece into their mouths. 

Dean flinched, trying to ignore the chewy consistency of the of the seaweed wrapped sushi. He coughed softly, mentally willing himself not to vomit. He gagged hard under his breath, fighting hard not to lose to his little brother, especially with Sam having the disadvantage.

Sam popped the sushi piece into his mouth, instantly regretting it as his stomach churned angrily. He shoved his fist into his mouth as he tried to barely bite into the piece, in the hopes that his stomach would not reject it if the pieces were bigger. He swallowed the bigger pieces. gagging hard and loud on the bits. He swallowed repeatedly, willing his stomach to stop rebelling.

Dean spit his bite out, not at all interested in the competition after Sam's gag. "Sammy? You okay there?" he asked in concern. He moved to Sam's side in concern, grabbing a big bowl in the process.

Sam shook his head, pushing the bowl away. "I'm fine, Dean." he ground out painfully. He placed a hand to his stomach again, trying not to show how sick he really felt. He completely forgot that his face could get so beyond pale and give him away.

"Sam, I can see your sick." Dean said firmly, concern thick in his tone. He could see the beads of sweat on his brother's forehead, the slight shake to the boy's limbs, and the goosebumps covering his skin. Whatever bug that was in Sam's system, was wreaking a lot of havoc. "Come on, let's get you to the bathroom in case that sushi makes you sicker." He suggested, helping Sam stand up carefully.

Sam nodded slowly, too nauseated to try to fight his brother at the moment. He walked into the bathroom, kneeling in front of the toilet. He gagged repeatedly, swallowing everything back down. He wasn't about to throw up, not if he could help it.

Dean knelt down beside Sam, rubbing calming circles on the teen's back. He could feel Sam fighting not to throw up, and he was not happy about it. "Stop holding it down, kiddo." he said firmly.

"I can't, Dean... Please don't make me..." Sam pleaded frantically, swallowing as quickly as possible.

Dean sighed, wrapping his arms tightly around Sam's stomach and pulled him into a tight embrace.

Sam lurched forward, vomiting harshly into the toilet in front them. "De, stop." he whimpered, vomiting harshly back to back.

"No, Sammy, its not safe to hold it back like that." Dean said softly, letting go when he felt Sam's stomach going into overdrive on its own. "Just let it out, you will be okay. I am not leaving you to do this alone." He added firmly, knowing that Sam hated getting sick and being seen getting sick. As he learned when the teen was younger, Sam hated getting sick alone.

Sam nodded in relief, lurching forward and bracing himself on the edges of the toilet seat. He gripped it so tightly, his knuckles were stark white compared to the darker color of his sun kissed skin.

"You're okay, kiddo. Breathe through it." Dean said in concern, not realizing just how sick Sam really was.

Sam continued throwing up, until his stomach was beyond empty. He trembled weakly, falling back into Dean as he was too tired to stay upright on his own.

"I got you kid, just relax." Dean said gently, sitting back against the wall so that Sam could lean against him comfortably.

"Thanks Dean." Sam said tiredly, before dozing off in his big brother's arms of safety.

Dean smiled softly. "Sleep kid, I got you. I've always got you." he promised gently, allowing himself to doze off too.


I know it's a bit short and cuts off a bit, but I wanted to end it on Sam and Dean being united as teens and young adults. I hope you enjoy it!  

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