The Flu Spreads Like Wildfire

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This was requested by Ram_3500. Enjoy!
Sam groaned softly, followed by a louder groan from from Dean. It was almost, as if it were a competition of who was more miserable.

"Adam, can you bring me some more tums?" Sam pleaded for the third time in five minutes.

"Adam, I need more blankets." Dean whined for the fifth time, through chattering teeth.

Adam hid in the bathroom, shaking his head, as he waited for the Nyquil he'd given them both to kick in and knock them both out. A few minutes later, he heard loud snoring coming from both his brothers, and he emerged from the bathroom.

Both Sam and Dean were in a deep sleep, much to the teen's relief, as his brothers had been SO needy. He was so glad for the break, finally.

Hours went by, and Adam started to notice he was either too warm or too cold, there was no middle ground. He wasn't used to his temperature fluctuating like that, to the point where it made his stomach feel wishy-washy.

"Adam? What time is it?" Dean groaned, waking up from his nap, to see the teen pulling on a hoodie in a warm room.

"6pm-ish. You hungry?" Adam asked, as the very idea of making food turned his stomach painfully. He turned away, but not fast enough to hide his grimace from his eldest big brother.

"You okay. kid?" Dean asked, seeing the grimace and automatically stepped into big brother mode.

"I'm fine, Dean, just not hungry." Adam said quickly. He thought he had moved fast enough to hide his discomfort, he guessed wrong.

"It's entirely possible you caught this bug"Dean said, as he assessed his own condition to find he felt fine. He had a sneaking suspicion that Sam would feel fine too.

"I'm not sick, Dean; I'm just not hungry." Adam reiterated, not realizing his mistake.

"You're a teenager; teenagers are always hungry, unless they are sick." Dean countered calmly, getting up slowly and stretching gingerly.

Adam shivered hard, cursing softly under his breath for showing such weakness to his big brother. Dad had always taught him not to show weakness of any kind, and here he was doing exactly that.

"Language, Adam." Sam grumbled, having just woken up to the tail-end of the conversation.

"Sorry, Sam," Adam mumbled softly, blushing at being caught by the more sensible of his brothers. Dean could care less if he cursed, but Sam believed that it was an adult thing to do, but he also nagged on Dean too.

"Why are you in a hoodie? It's too warm for one." Sam said, looking at Dean in concern, who rolled his eyes in Adam's direction.

"I'm cold, so what?! Can we stop discussing my dressing attire already?!" the teen demanded in exasperation.
"Are you feeling sick? You're awfully moody." Sam observed, earning a nod from Dean.

"Ohmygosh! I'm fine!" Adam snapped, as his stomach pitched and rolled aggressively, making him instantly regret his anger.

"Okay okay, if you say so." Sam said, backing down, before getting up and stretching. He walked into the kitchen nook, looked around, and walked into the bathroom shutting the door.

It took everything in Adam, not to run to the bathroom, pound on the door, and demand to be let in to puke his guts up, but he wasn't about to prove them right. So instead he stood there, shivering miserably, drenched in sweat from the fever running rampant under his skin.

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