Partying and Fevers Are Tons of Fun!

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Requested by the oh-so-amazing Ram_3500. Enjoy!


Adam sat on the couch, sipping his second beer, knowing his limit was still a few beers away, and knowing that Sam and Dean were trusting him not to party too hard, but they trusted him to be careful with his drinking at parties. He laughed as he watched his classmates dance and drink to their heart's content.

He could tell there would be plenty of drunk teenagers tonight. He noticed that the second beer was kinda going to his head, so he got up, threw it away, only half of it was gone, and joined the dancers for a bit, before deciding to head home.

He got home at exactly midnight, which was his curfew, and got ready for bed immediately. "Night Sam, night Dean." he said, sounding exhausted.

"Was it a fun party?" Dean asked in a rush, hoping to catch Adam before the teen fell asleep.

"Yeah, super fun. No cops showed up though." Adam said, with a bit of a bout, as he shifted and moved around a bunch trying to find a comfortable position to sleep in.

"Did you drink any alcohol?" Sam asked, always being the one to worry more about the kid drinking, while Dean was less worried as they had taught him to be careful with his consumption.

"Yeah, one and a half beers, but stopped when my head started to spin weirdly. Normally I can handle four or more beers, but there was something off about halfway through beer two, so I stopped drinking." Adam explained, before yawning hugely, and snuggling deeper into his bed, and falling asleep.

Dean chuckled, until he saw Sam's concerned face. "What?" he asked, sounding a bit irked.

"What if he was roofied?" Sam asked, looking very perturbed as he spoke his mind.

Dean rolled his eyes. "I highly doubt he was roofied." he said. "If he was, he'll puke it back up in about an hour or two." he assured, when he saw Sam was about to argue.

Sam sighed and walked to his bed, which was the couch pull out this time. They all traded off, taking turns, no one person felt like it was unfair. "Goodnight, Dean." he said calmly.

Dean walked over to his bed, and laid down. "Goodnight, Sam." he said, as he lay there listening to the two of them breathe. He smiled as he heard Sam's breathing even out, signaling he was asleep, and he could hear Adam was sound asleep too. He closed his own eyes and fell asleep, glad everyone was happy and sleeping.

What he didn't know, was that 15 year old Adam was battling a stomach ache from hell. He tossed and turned, never making a sound, as he didn't want to wake his brothers, as he got out of bed dizzily, and stumbled across the room to the bathroom. He closed the door softly, before gripping the sink tightly on his way to the toilet.

He looked in the mirror, not surprised to see he was super pale, with flushed cheeks. He groaned softly, before stumbling to the toilet, dropping to his knees weakly, and gagged hard before he even had a chance to brace himself. He gasped in surprise, gagging again, before vomiting violently twice back to back.

Dean woke with a start, as he could of sworn he heard someone throwing up. He looked around him, noticing that Adam was missing, and the light was on in the bathroom. He flinched, as he heard someone throw up once again, followed by a pained groan. "Not good." he mumbled to himself.

He got up, walked over, and knocked on the door softly, not wanting to wake Sam if at all possible. "Adam? Can I come in?" he asked gently, with a hint of firmness to it.

Adam groaned again from inside, as he had taken to covering his eyes, as the light was way to bright for his head, which was killing him. "Yeah," he called hoarsely.

Dean opened the door, slipped inside, shut the door, and looked at the teen before him. "You okay there?" he asked.

Adam gave him a thumbs up, "Great." before turning and vomiting violently twice more.

"Geez, kid, did you get roofied?" Dean asked, starting to get really concerned now with how much Adam was vomiting.

"No," Adam said breathlessly, as he grabbed some toilet paper to wipe his lips with. He through the toilet paper in the sink, and reached up to flush the toilet as the smell and evidence was making him want to puke again.

That's when Dean noticed the flushed cheeks and glassed over eyes. "Are you feverish?" he asked, stepping forward, and resting a cool hand on Adam's forehead and cheek to find them burning. "You have a fever!" He exclaimed, rather loudly.

Adam cringed away from Dean, groaning softly, as he covered his again against the harshness of the light. "Shut up, Dean. My head is killing me." he said in agitation.

Dean moved closer to his little brother. "I'm sorry, kiddo. Too much beer? Or something else?" he asked in a low tone, that didn't hurt Adam's head as much.

Adam winced, before shoving Dean back, and lunging for the toilet at the same time.

"Hey!" Dean said in surprise, before Adam started vomiting into the toilet in front of him. "Oh, right, you're okay, kiddo," he said, trying to regain his composure, and started rubbing small circles on the kid's back.

Adam heaved for a few minutes, until his stomach was completely empty, and he was left dry-heaving as if his life depended on it.

"Don't throw up your stomach," Dean said gently, but firmly, as he clapped Adam on the back, as the teen started coughing.

Adam finally stopped, and was left panting hard, as he tried to catch his breath, and looked up at Dean in tired confusion. "There was nothing wrong with the beer. Why am I so sick?" he asked.

"Kiddo, you're sick, you have a pretty high fever from the looks of it." Dean said, touching the kid's forehead again to confirm what he said.

"Here's a thermometer," Sam said, walking up sleepily. "I heard vomiting, you okay?" he asked, looking at Adam worriedly.

Adam just shook his head, and groaned in discomfort, as his head pounded and his stomach started churning.

"No, I can't..." he whimpered, feeling like he wanted to throw up again.

Dean handed the thermometer to Adam, who popped in his mouth with a harsh gag that made Sam jump. "Easy kid. You're okay, nothing left in your stomach." he said.

Sam looked a bit surprised by Dean's comment, but watched Adam closely. "You good?" he asked, worried when he saw all the leftover color drain from the kid's face.

The thermometer beeped, and Adam whipped it out of his mouth, and gagged over the toilet until he brought up some bile.

"Better?" Dean asked the teen, once the teen was breathing and not gagging.

Adam glared at Dean, before nodded, and resting his head in exhaustion on the toilet seat. "Can I go to sleep?" he asked, in a tired and weak voice.

"Not with a fever of 102.4, you need Tylenol." Dean said, grabbing the liquid Tylenol from the counter. "This should be easier on your stomach." he said, pouring the proper dosage into the cup provided, and handed it to Adam.

Adam flinched, but swallowed what was in the cup, and got up slowly, stumbling to the sink, rinsed his mouth out and brushed his teeth, and lumbered over to his bed and collapsed in exhaustion, only to groan in discomfort.

"Easy, don't make yourself sick again." Dean called from the bathroom, where he was flushing and cleaning up the mess Adam made.

"Shut up, Dean, I'm trying to sleep." Adam grumbled sleepily.

Sam and Dean chuckled, before heading to their own beds, with knowing smiles on their faces.


Adam was up and sick multiple times, but Sam and Dean were there each time to help and to care for him, as they should be. 

I hope you enjoyed this little fic. As always: vote, comment, and request away. Love you all! <3

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