Adam - Smiting Sickness

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Requested by Ram_3500. Adam is a teenager. Illness only affects teens. Apologies if it's gross. Enjoy!
Sam, Dean, and Adam were on a hunt, investigating an odd report of what sounded like an angel nuke had gone off and was making teens sick for miles in every direction. Really smart hunt to take a teenager on, but then hunters always jump in both feet forward with no regard to themselves.

Adam sat in the backseat, reading up on the Sam's laptop about angel smitings, and how a smiting tended to affect a human who got close to it. Much less, how close was too close to handle for a human.

"Um... Dean... If I puke blood, we're too close to the incident site." Adam warned, a sense of dread washing over him, as he read the symptoms associated commonly with radiation poisoning. He wasn't looking forward to this particular hunt anymore.

"We won't get that close then." Dean said nonchalantly, not wanting Adam to worry about it at all.

Sam looked up from the map, pointing to a point nearby. "Right up there, that's the incident site." he said, pointing to a barn that looked like it had been blown up from the inside out.

Dean turned onto the road to the barn, peeking at Adam who was slightly pale, but otherwise appeared fine, picking up speed to get there faster.

Adam watched the barn approach quickly, noticing he was getting dizzy and his vision was swimming. His stomach was starting to churn, and he felt like he had a migraine coming on.

"I don't feel so hot..." he warned his brothers, a soft gag escaping his lips suddenly.

Sam turned in his seat, grabbed a bucket they had thought ahead and grabbed, and handed it to Adam. "You're okay, Adam. I promise, its almost over. Just a quick look around, and we will leave." he said gently, not liking that they were barely a mile and a half away and Adam was already feeling sick.

Adam nodded, gagging up a small amount of liquid into the bucket, but not vomiting until the vehicle stopped moving but he started swaying.

Dean ran inside, looked around, and returned in time for Adam to climb out of the impala, double over, and vomit pure blood all over the ground in front of him.

"Okay, time to go home." he said, seeing Adam so sick, made him feel guilty for bringing him along at all.

"Are you sure?" Adam croaked weakly, swaying back and forth, as he tried to stay upright, before leaning heavily against the impala.

Dean nodded firmly, helping Adam back into the impala, dumped the bucket, and handed it back it to the teenager who curled into a tight ball on the backseat.

Sam had his hand on Adam's side, holding him in place protectively, while trying to offer some comfort to the sick kid.

Adam put the bucket on the floor by his head, so he could lay down, and heave if he needed to without sitting up, unless he absolutely needed to. He curled on his side, gagging up more blood into the bucket weakly, it dripping slowly from his lips, as he didn't have the energy to sit up and spit it out.

"Its blood, Dean." Sam said worriedly, feeling Adam's side move, as the teen full on vomited again, thankfully making it into the bucket.

"I know, he covered the ground in it." Dean said, as he sat down and drove away from the incident site. He drove as fast as he could to the motel they were staying at, worried when Adam kept vomiting even as the miles increased from the site.

The bleeding stopped, but Adam kept vomiting, until he was left dry-heaving, and hiccuping harshly. About ten minutes from the motel Adam noticed another problem.

"Can you pull over?" he asked urgently, desperation in his voice, causing Dean to pull over quickly. Sam climbed out of the car, and helped Adam climb out, who was booking it for the bushes, as a break-neck speed.

"Adam?" Dean asked in concern, following at a distance, as the teen squatted suddenly.

"Sorry, Dean, I had to go." Adam admitted, as the sounds of diarrhea filled the air. "Um... Dean... That angel nuke messed me up... I have bloody diarrhea and pee." he said awkwardly, before suddenly vomiting.

"Easy, kiddo, let's get you home, and we'll get you sorted out." Dean said gently, now starting to worry because he knew the kid was miserable and sicker than a dog. "Can I come help you?" he asked gently, not wanting to overstep with his youngest brother, if he could help it.

"Uh sure..." Adam said, leaning heavily against a tree, that was nearby a mess he had made. He was white as a sheet, shaky as leaf in a storm, and barely able to stand up even with the tree's help.

Dean walked over, side-stepped the mess on the ground, noting the bloody color, and gingerly picked up Adam in his arms, holding the teen close. "I got you, kiddo, let's get you to the car." he said gently.

Adam nodded weakly, curling in on himself in Dean's arms, clearly in too much inward pain to carry on a lot of dialogue.

Dean carried him to the car, got him situated, and stopped Sam outside, before getting in the car. "He's hurting something fierce... He's got blood in his diarrhea and pee, and he is still vomiting. He can barely move on his own, and is now, in some serious pain... I'm worried about him, Sam." he said softly, not wanting the teen to overhear him.

Sam sighed softly. "We got this, Dean. He has gotten this sick before, and we nursed him back to health. We will again this time." He said firmly, clearly leaving no room for argument.

Dean chuckled softly. "You always were level-headed, thanks, Sammy." he said, feeling like they had this after all.

Sam shrugged and got in the car, reaching back to putting a comforting hand on Adam, as Dean got in the car and drove them the rest of the way to the motel. As they pulled in and parked, Dean looked back to see Adam was sound asleep finally.

He shook Adam's shoulder lightly, startling the kid awake, only to result in Adam burying his face in the bucket as he retched harshly.

"Easy, kid, you're okay. Just breathe through it." Sam said gently, rubbing Adam's back as the retching finally stopped.

Adam sank back against the seat weakly, breathing hard as he tried to catch his breath. "Can we go inside now?" he pleaded.

Sam and Dean both nodded, helping him inside, into bed, with a trashcan beside him. Dean grabbed Tylenol and a big bottle of Pedialyte (highly sugary electrolyte drink). He handed both to the teenager, with a look of don't even argue.

"Take the tylenol, and work on the Pedialyte, it'll eventually make you feel better." he explained, earning a pitiful look from Adam.

Adam finally did as he was told, swallowing the tylenol, and choking down a couple swallows of his drink, only to vomit it back up in the trash can, and bolt for the bathroom with diarrhea too. This round resulted in him being covered in watery-bloody vomit, so Sam suggested he take a bath.

Sam helped him into the tub, covering his eyes to offer some privacy, as the teenager proceeded to vomit in his lap as soon as he sat down in the tub.

"You're okay, I'll clean it up, it's gonna be cooler water, so you don't spike a high fever." he explained, turning on the water to lukewarm and rinsed down Adam's lap. This happened four times more, before Adam finally stopped vomiting, and was able to relax in the water, and kept nodding off.

Dean came in to help the teenager dry off, and get back into bed with the trashcan.

Adam curled up, falling asleep almost instantly, as he grabbed for Sam as he walked past him to grab his book.

Sam climbed into bed with Adam, allowing the teenager to curl up on his chest, while he read his book. Adam was up six times to throw up, but had no more bloody anything, and finally kept the pedialyte down. All three learned to stay away from angel nukes, regardless of the symptoms it caused. 

I hope you enjoyed this fic. As always: vote, comment, and request away. Love you all! <3

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