Did you really have to share, Dean?!

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requested by @lookin_at_beauty_14, Dean gets the stomach flu with a high fever, gets better, but passes it on to Sam who gets it even worse, mix in all the possible symptoms of the stomach flu and some loving/caring big brother, and you get this... Hope you enjoy!

Dean lay curled up in a miserable ball on the bathroom floor. He felt like he had been there for hours, in reality only twenty minutes had gone by. He shivered hard, signalling that a fever had joined his upset and now empty stomach.

Sam silently watched his brother suffer, debating on how to help. Finally making up his mind, he got up and grabbed one of the grungy comforters off their beds. He walked into the bathroom and wrapped the blanket around Dean's shivering form.

"Here," Sam said softly, grabbing a clean washcloth, wetting it with cold water, and placed it on Dean's forehead.

Dean jumped each time Sam touched him, but sighed in relief at the coolness against his burning forehead.

"Have you taken any Tylenol?" Sam asked worried. Dean groaned, thinking here comes mother hen Sammy. 

"No, it wouldn't stay down." Dean pointed out weakly. He slowly pushed himself up and rested his elbows on the open toilet seat, as his stomach started churning again. 

Sam sighed, reaching over and grabbing the washcloth that had fallen when Dean sat up. He re-wet it the washcloth, putting it on Dean's neck this time hoping to calm the raging inferno in his brother. 

Dean groaned softly, "Thanks Sammy." he breathed weakly. He gagged hard, his stomach heaving harshly. He dry heaved for a good number of minutes, bringing up nothing but a bit of bile. 

Sam knelt down beside Dean, rubbing circles on his brother's trembling back. 

"Easy Dean. Breathe slowly, it will help." Sam suggested gently, feeling really bad for Dean. 

Dean took a calming breath, his stomach relaxing quickly. "Thanks," he slurred in a raspy voice. 

"Wanna stay here, or go lay down?" Sam offered gently, hoping sleep might help Dean feel better. 

Dean waited quietly for a moment, seeing if his stomach was going to cooperate or not. 

"Bed please." he whispered towards Sam. Sam nodded, standing up and offering his hand to Dean. 

Dean grabbed Sam's hand shakily, slowly pulling himself upright. He winced slightly, moving over to brush his teeth, before taking a couple sips of water. He moved slowly to his bed, collapsing on to it tiredly. 

Sam grabbed a couple Tylenol, and a glass of water, which he brought to Dean and offered them. "Please drink slowly and sip on it." he instructed softly. 

Dean looked at Sam blurry, taking the Tylenol and popped them in his mouth. He gagged softly, before dry swallowing them. He took a sip of the water, gagging softly again. 

"Are you gonna be sick?" Sam asked gently, quickly making a note of where the closest garbage can was. 

Dean shook his head, dozing off almost instantly. 

Sam sighed, walking over to grab a trash can. He put it down on the floor beside Dean's side of the bed, just in case. He moved over and sat down on his own bed, with a yawn. 

He looked at the clock, sighing seeing it was just after 3:15 a.m. So early, feeling exhausted, he lay down hoping Dean would sleep. 

Dean slept soundly until 7 a.m., before he sat up quickly and bolted to the bathroom. He dropped down to his knees in front of the toilet, gagging up the water and tylenol. 

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