Destiel: Human Cas gets motion sickness

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So I feel really really bad, I promised this request to idiot_killjoy77, and with everything going on in my life, it completely slipped my mind. But thanks to the wonderful birdflash777 for reminding me to write this... So here it is! AU theme, and Destiel (Awwww... Lol.) Hope you enjoy! 


Dean gestured silently to Sam, motioning towards Castiel who was moping around the bunker... again. The former- angel had been stripped of his wings, and was in a habit of moping around a lot. 

"I don't know how to help him, Sammy. He misses flying so much, I can't get his attention for anything." Dean said softly, sighing softly under his breath.

Sam looked up, from his laptop, to look at his brother thoughtfully. "Well, if it is flying he misses, perhaps you could find him an alternative." He suggested, turning the laptop around to face his older brother. 

On the screen was an ad for an amusement park with big roller-coaster on it. 

"Where is that?" Dean asked Sam, immediately getting the idea that his little brother was pointing at. 

"Kansas City, Missouri. Its about 4 hours away." Sam said nonchalantly, clicking on another tab to show the map to the park from their bunker. 

"Sam?!" Dean asked in an authoritative, parental tone. 

"What? I just thought we could all use a fun break." Sam said, with an innocent look. He had decided to look for something fun, instead of a hunt, and had thought it would be a good idea to have already found the route and a motel near it too. Less chance of Dean saying no, if he had it all planned out perfectly. 

He had even gone and played poker/pool, the last couple of nights, to get enough cash to pay for everything: motel for at least 4 nights, passes to get into the park, gas to and back, food at the park and outside of it, and anything else they could possibly dream of. 

Dean laughed softly, shaking his head. "Let me guess, you already have everything figured out?" He asked good-naturedly.

Sam laughed softly, nodding his agreement. "Yep, we need to leave in about an hour." He said calmly. "Oh, and you two are already packed. And your bags are in the trunk with mine." he added, with a loud laugh.

Dean's eyes widened in surprise. "Seriously?!" He asked, wracking his brain to figure out how Sam had pulled the wool of his eyes on that one. "How?!" he added, in disbelief. 

"Laundry." Sam said, with a shrug. "Get Cas ready to go, or we will be late. We need to be at the motel in 6 hours, or we forfeit it to someone else." He said, standing up and gathering up his laptop stuff.

Dean jumped to his feet, running over to Cas, practically bouncing with excitement. 

Cas looked up at the hunter in confusion, a dull and numb look about him. 

"What's going on, Dean?" He asked sullenly, not really in the mood to deal with people... including the hunter that he had started dating in secret, a few months back. 

"Get ready to go, Sammy is taking us on an adventure." Dean said excitedly, leaning down to whisper in the former-angel's ear. "Or a date... a really adventurous date." he whispered. 

"No thank you, Dean. I'm not feeling well." Cas mumbled, feeling a little off but nothing to worry about. 

"That's it! Get up, get dressed, and get in the damn car!" Dean snapped, folding his arms over his chest. 

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