Impala-Sick Sam

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Requested by ZoeyRansom5  Wee-chesters: Sam 13, Dean 17. On the way to a hunt Sam suddenly gets very carsick... And inside the impala. Minor language, my apologies.
Dean looked over at Sam, before turning his eyes back to the road. He knew something was up with the kid, but he stayed quiet about it. He had only been driving for about twenty minutes, when Sam fell asleep. Normally the kid was wide awake, but for some reason the thirteen year old was sound asleep.

He turned his music down, not wanting to deal with a pissy teenager. He slowed the impala down slightly, as the road was getting more curvy.

Sam groaned softly, shifting in his sleep.

"You're okay, Sammy." Dean said gently, not wanting him to wake up fully.

"Where are we." Sam mumbled, too tired to correct the name his big brother called him. He moved a bit, trying to figure out why his stomach was churning in discomfort.

"A mountain range about half an hour from Bryson City, North Caroline." Dean said thoughtfully, wondering why Sam was asking.

"Oh... Curvy roads." Sam mumbled weakly, closing his eyes tightly.

"You okay, kiddo?" Dean asked worriedly, not liking the voice Sam was using.

"Yeah, just gotta sleep." Sam slurred, wrapping his arms tightly around his stomach in discomfort.

"Let me know if you need anything." Dean said calmly. He looked at Sam out of corner of his eye, worried about why Sam was slurring and so tired.

Sam fell back to sleep, whimpering softly each time Dean went around a curve. His face went from slightly pale to extremely pale, in a matter of minutes. He shifted multiple times, trying desperately to stay asleep and ignore his upset stomach.

Dean stayed quiet, inwardly cringing every time he heard Sam whimper. He had thought that Sam had moved beyond getting carsick, so now he was confused.

He reached over and felt Sam's forehead with his hand, hoping not to feel a fever coming on. He was relieved to feel not much heat radiating from his little brother, indicating no fever. He turned his music off, wondering what was really going on with Sam.

Sam bit back a groan, as Dean hit another curve too sharply. He squeezed his eyes shut tightly, as he realized Dean had turned the music off. He had hoped to hide how sick he felt from his big brother. 

He cleared his throat, repeatedly, as he tried to resist the sudden urge to vomit. He winced, feeling the contents of his stomach sloshing angrily. 

"De," he groaned, fighting to not get sick before warning his brother of what was about to happen. 

Dean looked around in surprise, thinking he heard his name but Sam appeared to be asleep. 

Sam swallowed repeatedly, trying to resist his body's reaction to the curving roads. 

Dean focused back on driving, oblivious to Sam's predicament. He hummed quietly to himself, making it so that he was surprised by what happened next. 

Sam shot upright quickly, gagging and bringing up a small amount of liquid onto the floor of the impala. 

"Shit! Sammy, you're okay. Hang in there." Dean said automatically, looking around frantically for a safe place to pull over. 

Sam lurched forward again, bringing up his breakfast to coat the floor between his feet. 

"I'm sorry," he whimpered out, gagging and retching after he spoke. 

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