Sick Little Sister

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Requested by Ram_3500. Reader is Sam and Dean's little sister.
You lay in Dean's motel bed, sandwiched between your two big brothers. You had woken up feeling sick to your stomach, with a mild fever to boot.

Sam and Dean had sprung into action, taking care of you, getting you meds and making sure you were comfy, while waiting out the bug.

After some soup, a couple doses of meds, a couple naps, and a marathon of Dr. Sexy M.D. you felt better and ready to get back on the road.

You and the boys were on the road, when Dean's phone started ringing.

"Hello," Sam said, abruptly answering the call. "Hey Bobby... yeah, she's fine... whatcha got... werewolf... where at... got it... bye... Got us a werewolf in Seattle, Washington, only about Sx hours drive away." he said.

"Sweet, I've been dying to hunt a werewolf." You say excitedly, grinning at Dean and Sam.

Dean rolled his eyes, which proved to be a mistake, as he suddenly jerked the impala over to the side of the road. He flung his door open, hang his head out the door, and vomited all over the pavement.

"Dean?" You asked, in a small voice, feeling really bad for getting him sick too.

"I'm okay, Y/N, just suddenly got nauseous. Like you felt earlier." Dean said, once he was back inside the car and feeling less sick.

You nod slowly, reaching over and feeling Dean's forehead. "You feel a bit warm, but not too bad." You say, relieved that he doesn't have a high fever.

"Y/N, honey, you're pale again... are you feeling okay?" Sam asked, noticing you looked too pale for comfort.

You shrug, before sighing and shaking your head miserably. "I don't feel so good again." you admit weakly.

"Try to breathe, Y/N. Tell me, if you need to get out of the car." Sam said gently, looking over at Dean, who'd fallen asleep in the driver's seat.

You nod, curling into yourself in the backseat, as your stomach started churning uncontrollably.
"Can we find a motel please?" You plead softly, knowing that between you and Dean, the bathroom would be needed.

Sam nodded, gingerly pulling Dean to his side of the car, so he could drive. Dean slept through it all, as Sam drove to the nearest motel and got them a big room, with two beds and an extra couch.

"Dean, wake up, we're at a motel. You can sleep inside." He said, waking up his big brother.

Dean stirred, looking around dizzily. "What happened?" He asked, grimacing at the flavor in his mouth.

"You puked on the side of the road, and Y/N is sick still or again or something..." Sam explained, looking a bit confused. "Y/N, sweetheart, we're at the motel, wanna go lay in bed inside?" He asked gently.
Dean's eyes widened in surprise, as he realized what happened. "Wow. I'm sorry. I feel better now, just a little queasy and tired. Can I take a nap?" He asked, basically seeing if Sam had taking care Of you okay on his own.

"No prob, go sleep." Sam said, shaking your shoulder lightly, hoping he could rouse you without making you sick.

Dean nodded, before going inside and collapsing on the bed, falling instantly to sleep.

You groaned weakly, feeling your shoulder being shook, but all it was doing was making you dizzy. "Stop..." you groan out weakly, pushing at whoever was shaking you.

"Whoa, hey, no pushing." Sam said firmly, falling back against the horn, that blared loudly.

You cry out softly, clutching at the sides of your head, as the sound echoes inside your head. "Make it stop," You groan.

Sam heard you groan and froze, getting off horn and waited for a moment. "Are you okay?" he asked you gently, noticing your pale but flushed cheeks.

"No, my head is killing me, my stomach hates me, and I am really dizzy." You say softly, as if talking hurts your throat as well.

"Let's get you in bed, and resting, then I can get you some meds." Sam suggested, as he guided you slowly out of the car, before scooping you up gingerly and carrying inside to the bed.

No sooner does Sam put you down, do you book to the bathroom at a breakneck speed. You drop to your knees on the floor in front of the toilet, hanging your head over the bowl in anticipation.

"Oh, Y/N, just breathe." Sam recommended, having followed you into the bathroom, worried at why you'd run in so fast. He knelt beside you, pulling your long hair, back into a messy bun, out of your way, should you throw up.

"Thanks, Sam," you groan out, trying to focus on your breathing, before lurching forward violently vomiting, turning the once clear water a mucky color. "Gross," you ground out.

Sam rubs your back gently, holding you upright gingerly around the waist, to make sure you don't hit your head on the toilet seat. He chuckled softly at your comment, shaking his head as he watched you vomit back to back.

"Geez, y/n, you trying to puke up your stomach?" A sleepy Dean grumbled, as he walked up to the doorway of the bathroom, looking at you in concern.

"Shut up, Dean." You snap, leaning back, for a break, against Sam. You felt exhausted, and just wanted to sleep, hence why you were starting to nod off sitting there.

"Are you still going to be sick?" Sam asked, not wanting you to sleep in the bathroom, if he could help it.

Dean laughed and retreated back to his own bed, supposed turning on Dr. Sexy MD, as you both heard the tv turn on low in the bedroom area.

"I don't think so," you say, as Sam stands up and pulls you to your feet.

You take a couple dizzy steps, before whipping around to face the sink and vomiting into the sink.

"Easy, I got you," Sam says, grabbing a bin from the living room area and put it in front of you instead if using the tiny sink.

You nodded briefly to him, before vomiting again and again, so beyond sick to your stomach, you almost wished you could throw up your stomach to relieve this horrible nausea. When the vomiting finally stopped, you burst into tears, feeling so horrible, and just wanting to sleep, but not alone.

"Talk to me, how can I help." Sam said gently, wiping away your tears. He had always been better dealing with your meltdowns growing up.

"I need to sleep, I don't feel good. But I can't sleep alone." You gasped out, sniffing softly. 

Sam led you to the other bed, got you situated in the bed, then climbed in on the other side. He motioned for Dean to do the same on the other side. Before long it was another Dean, Y/N, and Sam sandwich, which put you to sleep almost immediately.

"What happened in the bathroom?" Dean asked softly, not wanting to wake you.

"She freaked out, not wanting to sleep alone, and feeling completely awful." Sam explained. "Oh and she puked in the sink and the bin. I'll clean it up later." He added.

Dean waved it off, both knowing it would get done at some point. They settled down to rest with their sound asleep, little sister, content to protect her, and listen to reruns on tv.
The vomiting finally stopped, but the stomach ache and fever lingered for another 2 days. But Sam and Dean happily took good care of you.

I hope you enjoyed this little fic. As always: vote, comment, and request away. Love you all! <3

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