Never Gotten the Flu Before....

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requested by @Gracie69678 Could you do one where cas gets sick for the first time and is with the Winchester boys and catches the stomach flu but doesn't really know what to do, like he knows his stomach hurts but he's never thrown up so he doesn't know he's going to, so the boys have to look after him like he's a kid

Cas sat at the table in the Winchesters motel room. He had arrived the night before to help with a perplexing haunting in a little town nestled deep in the heart of Michigan. He had left for the majority of the night, as he didn't want to wake the boys 

"Where were you last night?" Dean asked Cas, causing him to jump and look at the hunter in surprise.

"Just went for a walk," Cas said simply, looking down at his stomach quizzically. He shrugged simply and walked over to the couch. He sat down and fell almost instantly to sleep. 

Sam walked in and looked at Cas and Dean in surprise. "Is he asleep?" he asked in shock, since it was fairly common knowledge that the angels did not need to sleep. 

Dean looked up at Cas, then to Sam with a frown. "Looks like it." he muttered, wondering what was going on with their angel friend. 

Sam moved closer to Cas, flinching when he heard the angel's stomach gurgling in a pissed off manner. He reached up and lightly touched Cas' forehead, jumping as the angel opened his eyes. 

"What are you doing, Sam?" Cas asked, looking exhausted and worn out. 

"Nothing Cas, go back to sleep." Sam said quickly, removing his hand and smiling kindly at the man. Cas nodded slowly, dozing back off quickly. 

"Sam...?" Dean asked simply, wondering what on earth was going on. 

"He has a fever, and the sounds from his stomach do not sound good." Sam explained, walking back over to Dean. "I wouldn't be surprised if he has the flu." he added softly.

"H..." Dean started to say worriedly, as the angel opened his eyes with a groan.

"What's the flu?" Cas asked innocently, his eyes wide in confusion. Dean sighed softly, moving quickly to Cas' side and put his hand on the man's stomach. 

"Usually its when your stomach gets really upset and makes you vomit, sometimes it will even give you diarrhea." Dean explained, moving his hand back and flinching sympathetically. 

"Isn't vomiting and diarrhea painful?" Cas asked uncomfortably, cringing as his stomach started doing angry flip flops. 

"It can be. It's definitely no picnic, but it is better to let it run its course, then to keep it in." Sam explained, walking over with a bottle of Sprite in his hand. "Sip on this, it might help your stomach relax a bit." he said, offering the bottle to Cas. 

Cas nodded, taking the bottle and putting it to his lips. He took a sip, sputtering as the bubbles hit his tongue. "Ugh... Why are there bubbles in this?" he demanded in disgust. 

Dean started snickering, trying hard not to fall off the couch. He coughed softly, laughing even harder. 

"Its supposed to have the bubbles. Those bubbles are what helps your stomach relax a bit." Sam explained gently, staying calm and not laughing at all. 

Cas looked at the bottle and put it down on the nightstand nearby, before looking up at Sam again. "I don't think it helped. My stomach feels even more angry than before." he explained, doubling over in pain. 

Dean stopped laughing immediately, and put his hand on Cas' shoulder. "Easy man. It's okay just breathe through it. Oh and tell us if you're gonna puke." he instructed simply. 

Cas nodded briefly, wondering how he would know if he was going to puke. He sat back up slowly, looking like he was doing okay again. 

Sam walked into the kitchenette, quickly searching the cupboards for a bigger bowl of sorts. He found nothing like he was searching for, so he grabbed a garbage can and walked back to where Dean and Cas were. 

Cas looked up at the hunter quizzically. "Why did you have a trash bin?" he asked, almost choking on the sudden increase of saliva in his mouth as his mouth began to water. 

"Its in case, you puke before we can get you in front of the toilet." Dean asked, watching the angel's every move. 

Sam nodded his agreement, sitting down and turning on the tv. He got comfortable in his chair as he waited to see if Cas was going to be okay or not. 

Dean settled back, watching the tv as well, but making sure to keep a close eye on his sick angel friend. 

Cas closed his eyes again, gulping down the extra saliva in surprise as coughed softly. His eyes flew open as liquid and undigested food poured from his mouth and on to his lap. 

"Crap!" Dean said quickly, grabbing the bin and putting it on the angel's lap.

Cas gulped in the middle of a gag, hiccuping loudly as more liquid and food came up and into the bin. 

"Easy Cas, you're okay. Don't try to swallow in the middle." Sam warned gently, grabbing a towel and using it to clean up some of the puke from a moment again. 

Cas groaned, wrapping his arms around his middle tightly in surprise. "Why do my intestines hurt?" he gasped weakly, coughing as more liquid came up and missed the bin completely. "Sorry." he said weakly.

Dean flinched, ignoring the puke that now covered his hand, and looked at Sam in a panic. "Help him to the bathroom, before he makes a mess." he pleaded in concern. 

Sam nodded and moved to Cas' side, as the angel whimpered and farted loudly. "Um... You okay?" he asked gently, hoping that the fart wasn't wet. 

Cas shook his head, whimpering again as his stomach lurched, causing him to vomit again and fart again. This last one was a bit more explosive by the sound, and drained the color from the angel's face. "I'm so sorry." he said over and over again, as the sound happened again with a lot of wet sounds. 

Dean's eyes widened, moving over to grab another towel nearby. "Sam, lift him up so i can get this under him. Once he stops vomiting, we can move him." he said, taking charge. 

Sam nodded, moving to pick up Cas, but was stopped when the angel jumped to his feet and ran into the bathroom. "Easy there... buddy." he said in concern, following closely behind. 

Cas dropped his soiled pants and sat down on the toilet, lunging forward as his bowels evacuated repeatedly. He retched onto the floor, bringing up nothing but some saliva. "Please tell me this stops soon." he pleaded when he could catch his breath. 

Sam nodded gently. "It will soon. Probably about 24 hours." he said, as he grabbed the soiled clothes and wrapped them up quickly. "Dean, mind bringing him some sweats and a tshirt to borrow?" he called to his brother.

"Yeah, I got it right here. Man, you got it bad." Dean said to the angel sadly. 

Cas cleaned himself up and got dressed, then Dean led him to one of the beds and had him lay down. "If you are going to puke or need to go again, let us know so we can help you." the hunter instructed, as Cas fell asleep again. 


Here ya go, hope you like poor sick Cas. And i apologize if it was a bit gross. Remember if you have requests, drop me a line or comment. I will do my best to oblige! <3 

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