Ghosts, Rivers, and Stomach Flus Suck

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This awesome request was requested by haliadelatorre. I hope you enjoy this, as I am always happy to write any and all requests! 


Sam walked into the motel room completely drenched, followed by an equally drenched and muddy Dean.

"Hey Sam, hey Dean. Did you gank the ghost, or did it try to gank you?" You teased playfully, looking at Sam, who was unusally pale, in concern.

"Haha, Y/N. We ended up in the river, again, and yes, we ganked the sucker." Dean said tiredly, looking at Sam briefly.

"Sam, you okay?" You ask uncertainly.

Sam looks at you thoughtfully, offering a weak smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. "I'm fine, just cold and wet." He lied, adding a pained shrug to appear fine.

You look at Dean, who was still watching Sam, as well. You could see the concern in the older Winchester's eyes.

"You got thrown around a lot; you sure you're good?" Dean asked, earning an annoyed glare from Sam.

"I said, I'm fine." Sam growled, turning around and stomping back out of the motel room.

You jump, as the door bangs shut loudly, before turning to look at Dean. "What did you do now?" you demand, crossing your arms over your chest.

"Cool it, Y/N. I didn't do anything, I swear." Dean said, holding his hands up in a surrendering motion. "I don't think he was feeling well, and that ghost was really wailing on him today." He added.

You sigh softly, looking at the door worriedly. "Go get cleaned up, before you leave mud everywhere." You say firmly.

"Alright, alright. I'm going." Dean said quickly, retreating to the bathroom with a loud bang.

"Don't use all the hot water!" You yell after him, earning a quick 'ok' through the door.

You grab a towel, starting to clean up the mud and water puddles on the ground. You keep looking back at the front door, watching for Sam to return.

Sam bolted into the room out of nowhere, rushing to the bathroom, threw the door open, and shut the bathroom door quickly.

"Dude!" Dean yelled from the shower, as Sam doubled over the open toilet and gagged hard. "Crap! Y/N!" Dean yelled, hearing Sam over his shower.

You jump to your feet, before running into the bathroom. "What's wrong?" you ask, since your hand was shielding your eyes, as you really didn't need another image of Dean naked, burned into your memory.

"Sam's sick." Dean said, turning the water off, in time for Sam to retch loudly.

You immediately uncover your eyes, and move to Sam's side. "Easy, just breathe, in and out." You say gently, as you put a comforting hand on his back.

"Y/N," Sam gasped, his face contorting with pain, before lurching forward with a loud and painful dry heave.

"Whoa, its okay. I promise you're okay." You say, grabbing him in an effort to slow him down as he jerked forward.

Dean stuck his head out of the shower, as Sam lurched forward with another painful retch. "Damn, Sam, what happened? Did you eat something bad?" he asked in concern.

"No, I was feeling sick earlier." Sam panted, before dry heaving repeatedly.

"Why didn't you say something? I could have gone with Dean tonight, so you could rested." You say gently, no sign of reproach or anger in your voice.

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