Poor Jack Hates Nightmares

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Requested by Infinity13Villain. I hope you enjoy this fic! No spoilers as long as you know who Jack is! 


Jack sat on the edge of his bed, relieved the lights were off and there was no sounds in the bunker. He had taken to getting horrible headaches a lot lately, and when he forced himself to sleep off the headaches he'd have awful nightmares. All in all, his head hurt a lot and he was exhausted more often than not.

This was looking to be one of those nights, it had started at dinner. Food had made his stomach feel off for a little bit, when that feeling disappeared, a headache had set in, that brought noise and light sensitivity with it. He wasn't used to sensitivity, as it had never been brought on before.

He lay down, pulling his pillow over his head, only to groan and remove it immediately. For some reason, the pillow touching his head had not only made his head hurt more, but it had started dizziness that had made the room start spinning out of control.

He whimpered softly, not understanding what was happening to his body, as he tried to sit up and orient himself with his surroundings. The movement made his head spin, as he lay back down, which didn't help with his dizziness at all.

He whimpered again, curling into a tight ball on the bed, as the dizziness and throbbing in his head made his stomach join the party. He closed his eyes, relieved as he dozed off, grateful he could doze off instead of stay awake and suffer.

"Did you notice that Jack was pale?" Sam asked Dean, as they cleaned up the kitchen and living room.

"I thought I was the only one to notice." Dean said gruffly, looking back at Sam from the sink where he was washing the dishes. "He was unusually pale at the end." he said.

"I thought so too. I also noticed bags under his eyes... I thought he didn't sleep." Sam said thoughtfully.

"I saw those too." Dean said, deciding he should check on the kid, worst case scenario the kid was tired and not sleeping well, no biggie. "We can check on him." he said simply, finishing up the dishes.

Sam and Dean walked down the hall and knocked on Jack's door, not hearing a response. They shrugged and walked away, wondering where the kid was.

Jack groaned softly, clasping the sides of his head as the knock echoed in his head. Once the echos stopped, he fell into an uncomfortable sleep.

Sam sat in the living room area, reading a book, wondering where Jack had vanished to. "Should we check again?" he asked Dean.

"No, let him be. I am sure he is fine." Dean said, returning to drinking his beer.

Sam rolled his eyes at Dean, returning his attention to his book of lore.

Jack groaned loudly, tossing and turning, grasping the sides of his head tightly, crying out in pain, as he was tortured in a nightmare. As he cried out, the lights flickered and sparked through the entire bunker.

Sam and Dean looked at each other, as the lights started sparking, jumped up, and started running down the hall to Jack's room.

Jack bolted upright, his chest heaving up and down hard, and his eyes widened as dinner came up and covered his lap.

Dean flung the door open, switched on the light, and froze, watching as Jack vomited on himself and his bed.

"Oh Jack," Sam said, having seen the same thing, as he ran in seconds after Dean. He ran to the kid's side, rubbing Jack's back, as the kid was sick again and again.

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