Not on my set!!!

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Requested by birdflash777. I have never written a sick Jensen/ Jared, so I apologize if it sucks. So here is a sick on set Jensen. Warnings: mild language, vomit, descriptions, and spoilers for Season 11. Not many spoilers though, just mentions of sickness and its causes. Primarily from the episode, Red Meat. (Season 11, Episode 17)


Jared sat in his chair, skimming the script for the next episode. He looked up, wondering where Jensen was. Normally Jensen was here before him, so it was highly unusual to be sitting here running lines alone.

Misha walked up to Jared, looking around a bit surprised. "Where's Jensen?" He asked curiously, knowing that it wasn't a directing day for Jensen.

"Your guess is as good as mine." Jared said, looking around for any sign of him.

Jared and Misha started running lines, both waiting for any sign of their counterpart. They worked on their lines, for the majority of two hours, before an exhausted and pale looking Jensen walked up to his chair and collapsed into it, heavily.

"Hey, you okay?" Jared asked immediately, startling Jensen slightly.

"Yeah, I'm good. Just a cold." Jensen said tiredly, yawning which immediately led him into a hoarse coughing fit.

Jared clapped Jensen on his back lightly, not wanting to hurt his friend. "Breathe, dude." he encouraged, relieved as Jensen stopped coughing and was only wheezing softly.

"I got it..." Jensen panted softly, looking up as Eric Kripke walked up to them. He could see the frown, prominent on the man's face.

"Jensen? That doesn't sound good, at all." Eric said in concern, not wanting them to fall behind on recording. However, he couldn't justify torturing anyone who was as sick as Jensen sounded.

"I'm okay. Let's get to work, shall we?" Jensen asked gruffly, standing up and walking onto the set.

Jared and Eric shared a look, knowing this wasn't going to end well. They were recording the last bits of Season 11, Episode 17, including an illness scene.

Jared and Jensen worked tirelessly, trying desperately to get the episode perfect. Neither one wanted to let their fans down, which definitely added some extra pressure to their plates.

Jensen stopped after the main fighting scene, panting hard, as the room started spinning relentlessly. He threw his hands up in a 'T', begging for a break, as sweat poured down his pale face.

"Cut!" was yelled out, seeing Jensen's frantic movement.

Jared sprinted to Jensen's side, taking in his pale and sweaty face. "Breathe, in and out." he encouraged, seeing that Jensen kept holding his breath.

Jensen shook his head quickly, not wanting to cough or choke on his own breath. The incessant spinning sensation, soft wheezing, and pain in his head and chest, were making things really hard on him. He could feel his stomach pricking in discomfort, making him flush in embarrassment.

"I can't," he panted softly, doubling over as he started coughing harshly.

"Yes you can, just focus and relax. You're okay, just focus on breathing in your nose and out your mouth." Jared insisted quickly, not wanting Jensen to start hyperventilating. He could see how much his friend was struggling, so he put his hand on Jensen's back and started rubbing light circles between the man's shoulder blades.

Jensen wheezed harshly, trying really hard to focus on what Jared recommended. He groaned softly, not wanting everyone around him, as he tried to do as he was told.

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