You Should Have Told Me!

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This is a destiel request from a beyond awesome fan, who has chosen to remain anonymous!! Dean and Cas are in a relationship, with Cas being the head of household. No Sex!! Just fluff and a bit of sickness! :)


Dean tossed and turned in bed, wondering why Cas wouldn't come to bed. He was starting to worry that Cas didn't want him anymore, and it was breaking his heart. Cas never had time for him anymore, no matter what the reason was.

He gave up on trying to sleep... again, for the 3rd day in a row. He was really starting to feel very tired, but he couldn't sleep right now. He got up, walking out into the living room of his, Cas, and Sam's motel apartment.

Cas was sitting on the couch, sipping a beer and watching a random documentary, making it so that he didn't notice that Dean was back up again. 

Dean sank down onto the floor beside Cas' legs, bumping the other man's legs lightly. He just wanted some attention from his lover, and his lover wasn't interested.

He swiped at his eyes quickly, making it look like he was just rubbing them, not wiping away the beginnings of tears.

Sam looked over at his brother in surprise, thinking he had gone to bed already. He watched his brother silently: noticing the paleness on his cheeks, the dark circles that were pronounced under his eyes, and the sad look on his face. Something was wrong, he wasn't sure what, but something was.

"You good, Dean?" he asked, bringing Cas' attention to focus on Dean for the first time in ages.

"Fine, Sam." Dean said in a clipped tone, not wanting the scrutiny from either of them.

Sam frowned, knowing that Dean only used that tone when he was really upset.

"You look exhausted..." he commented in concern, not caring if he pissed off his brother. He needed to know what was wrong.

"I'm fine, Sam. Plus I'm not tired!" Dean snapped, a hint of panic in his voice.

"Sam's right. You look beyond tired." Cas said simply, frowning in concern at the condition his boyfriend and lover was in. Come to think of it, he hadn't noticed Dean looking like that at all, well, he actually hadn't noticed Dean in about a week.

"Shut up! I'm fine! I'm always fine! Stop asking!" Dean yelled, standing up abruptly and stomped out the front door.

He walked around aimlessly around town for a couple hours, before finding his way to a bar. He drank three beers, about ten shots of rum, and at least four shots of vodka before the bartender cut him off and ordered a cab.

He got into the cab, enjoying the numbing sensation that came with drinking altogether too much in general. He staggered out of the car, stumbling up to the motel room, oblivious to the fact that it was well after 3 a.m.

He stumbled into the motel room, banging the door against the wall, and earning a bang against the same wall.

"Oh shut up..." Dean griped, in a heavy slur since his tongue felt thick and uncooperative.

"Dean? Did you just get home?" Sam asked, getting up from the couch, where he had been waiting since Dean left over four hours earlier.

"Sammy... wha ime s t?" Dean slurred almost incoherently.

Luckily Sam understood drunk Dean, and knew the exact answer. "It's almost 4 a.m, Dean." he said, adding a hint of disapproval in his voice.

Dean rolled his eyes, staggering as he almost fell from the disorientation that hit him after rolling his eyes. "Go to bed, Sam." He ordered, heading towards his and Cas' bed.

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