I'll Nurse You Back to Health...

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This was requested by an awesome fellow writer, please check out their writing. Requested by Shesscertlygorgous16. Enjoy! As long as you know of the bunker, and its size, you're good to go. No real spoilers!


You walked into the kitchen of the bunker, looking around in confusion. Usually there was the smell of coffee or food wafting from the massive kitchen, especially since it was almost noon on a Sunday. Dean usually tried to make a big meal on Sundays, something of a tradition to lift everyone's spirits and encourage bonding as a hunting family.

You gather up all the ingredients needed to make a big salad for Sam, and burgers for you and Dean.

"Don't even think about it." a hoarse voice warned, as you reached for the power nob to the stovetop.

"What?! I wasn't doing anything." You squeak, jumping away from the stove as if it had tried to bite you.

"How many times do I have to tell you, Y/N? Don't touch the appliances in the kitchen. I'm still trying to clean up the scorch marks from your last attempt to cook that caught the microwave and countertop on fire." Dean's hoarse voice grumbled.

You get a good look at him, once your chest has stopped pounding from his startling you. You could see he was pale, had barely any voice, appeared to be struggling to breathe freely, and looked just downright miserable.

"You okay, Dean?" you ask in concern, not liking how he was leaning so heavily on the door jam.

"Nah, I feel like crap. Its why I am not cooking, and neither is Sam." Dean pointed out, allowing his body to slide down the wall until he was seating on the steps leading in and out of the kitchen.

"What's wrong with Sam?" You ask apprehensively, before moving to the fridge, opening it, and pulling out a couple of bottles of water. You offer one to him, that he takes begrudgingly.

"He's been up all night: coughing up a lung and gagging on each cough." Dean said, opening the bottle with some difficulty and took a small sip.

"Why didn't he wake me? I am the more medic like here, than either of you are qualified for." You grumble in frustration. They had a habit of forgetting that you had trained to be a paramedic, and had passed all the tests with flying colors.

"We figured you should sleep, since there was nothing that would help." Dean said with a shrug, before coughing into the crook of his elbow.

"Back to bed, sicko. I am going to nurse you both back to health... again." You say with an exaggerated sigh. "I'll go order soup, so you don't have to worry about me cooking." you add, earning a weak smile from the sick hunter before you.

Dean got up slowly, taking his time so as not to pass out on your watch. He finally made it down the hall a bit, before stopping to catch his breath and cough harshly into the crook of his elbow. "Can I just sleep in the recliner?" he pleaded, looking too pale for comfort.

You nod briefly, taking the arm he hadn't coughed on, and led him to the recliner, which he collapsed into weakly.

"Try to sleep, Dean. I'm going to bring Sam in here too." You say softly, wrapping a light blanket around the wheezing hunter.

"I'm right here." Sam croaked from the doorway, looking like he had a high fever.

"Come lay down in the other recliner, Sam. You need to rest, and drop that comforter, it's not good for your fever." You say firmly, watching him scowl as he dropped his comforter.

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