Faking a migraine???

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Requested by @_Mia128_. I'm not very good with making people fake things they wouldn't normally do, but I hope this loophole is satisfactory. :) Sam 15, Dean 19, John idk. Lol. Enjoy!


Sam walked into the small apartment his dad had rented for them, dropping his backpack on the floor heavily, like his arm muscles were weaker than they normally were. 

John looked up in annoyance at his youngest, immediately noticing the deep frown that looked pissy on Sam's face. 

"Put your bag in your room, and get ready to go on the hunt tonight." he ordered, giving Sam a warning glare, that said 'don't push my buttons today'. 

"Can I please stay home? I have a really bad headache." Sam pleaded, looking exhausted and slightly pale. 

"Not this again, Samuel. I need you and Dean to help me; take some Tylenol and suck it up." John snapped, fed up with his youngest always trying to shirk his hunting duties. 

Sam sighed in frustration, grabbing his backpack aggressively, before staggering dizzily to the side. He straightened quickly, trying desperately to hide his weakness from John, not wanting the extra lecture. 

"I already took Tylenol, it's not working. Its been in my system for over an hour." he explained in exasperation. 

"Deal with it! You have one hour to be ready to leave." John yelled angrily, slamming down the file he had been reading up on the hunt. He was so angry, he didn't see Sam visibly flinch from the sound, before the poor fifteen year old bolted from the room. 

Sam ran into his and Dean's room, slamming the door shut with a groan, and collapsed onto his bed with a muffled cry to discomfort. Every sound was echoing in his head, every light sent a jolt of pain behind his right eye, and each jolt of pain sent his stomach churning in an uncomfortable nauseous feeling. 

Dean walked into their room forty-five minutes later, immediately tensing as he heard a muffled gag followed by a groan. 

"Sam?" he asked uncertainly, moving to his brother's side of the bed. 

"D'n? Wha' 'ime is i'?" Sam slurred, pushing himself up too quickly, as he almost fell off the bed from how dizzy he was. 

Dean grabbed Sam's shoulder to steady the kid, not liking how unbalanced and pale his little brother looked. 

"What's wrong with you?" He asked in concern, not liking that Sam couldn't look at him, in a dark room, without squinting at the little bit of light in the room. 

"Migraine..." Sam said with a shrug, groaning as the movement jarred his head and stomach almost too much. He clapped his hand over his mouth, as he gagged a few times in a row, but seemed to get his stomach under control without vomiting. 

"Did you..." Dean started to ask, knowing that their dad wouldn't care and would assume the worst of Sam, which wasn't even close to true. 

"Took Tylenol two hours ago, didn't work. Told dad, he yelled at me." Sam said bitterly, wrinkling his nose, as a loud burp erupted from his lips and elicited another gag. "Sorry," he mumbled, shuddering at the feeling of the gag and the pain it caused in his head.  

"Did napping help at all?" Dean asked gently, reaching over to touch Sam's forehead in search of fever. He was relieved that Sam didn't have a fever, as sometimes migraines were known to cause fevers. 

Sam shook his head, groaning in discomfort, before dropping his head into his hands and using his palms to hide his eyes. "No, I couldn't sleep. My head hurts too much, and I feel really nauseous." he admitted, his tone saying his was beyond exhausted. 

"Lay down and relax, I'm going to go talk to dad." Dean said firmly, squaring his shoulders like he was preparing for war... Which he pretty much was. 

"Dad said..." Sam started to argue, gagging softly as he spoke.

"I don't care, I am not letting you go on this hunt. Especially when you can't even sit up without falling over." Dean interrupted firmly, giving Sam his patented 'I am the big brother, do not argue with me' look.

Sam sighed softly, before laying down gingerly. "I need the bin before you go fight with dad." he said wearily, closing his eyes and covering them with his arm. 

"No problem, just try not to puke everywhere... if you end up puking." Dean amended, grabbing their trash bin from the corner and brought it to Sam's bedside. "Try to sleep, kiddo." he said gently, rubbing Sam's head lightly. 

Sam moaned softly, trying to doze off at least, before the onslaught of yelling started. 

Dean marched out into the living room, glaring at John, until the older man looked up and matched his glare. "What the hell?!" he demanded of his dad. 

"What has a bee up your butt?!" John roared, standing up abruptly and advancing on Dean in a couple large steps. He had expected the kid to at least flinch, but Dean just regarded him passively. 

"You can't demand Sam hunt... Especially when he can't even stand up without almost passing out." Dean spat, venom dripping with each word. 

John flinched slightly, backing up as he recalculated his approach. "Sam was and is fine. You know how much he hates hunting, he probably is just faking it." he spat back, but no sooner did he utter those words did they both hear the sound of vomiting coming from the boys' bedroom. 

"Or not... Sam doesn't fake being sick, not now... not ever!" Dean snapped, stomping into his room before John could even try to answer. He walked into his room, immediately grimacing as he saw Sam leaning over the edge of the kid's bed, puking violently into the bin. "Easy kiddo, easy. Try to breathe through it." he said gently, making sure not to raise his voice too loud. 

Sam vomited repeatedly, crying out softly each time he got a break. Each heave almost had him passing out from the amount of extra pain shooting through his head. "Make it stop..." he pleaded weakly, as he finally caught his breath. 

"Sleep, Sammy, that's the only thing that really help." Dean said softly, as he gently started massaging the kid's temples and down his neck. 

Sam moaned softly, relaxing under Dean's careful fingers and dozed off almost immediately. 

Dean smiled sweetly, continuing to massage Sam's head and neck, until he was certain that the kid was good and asleep. He helped readjust his little brother's position, before cleaning out the bin, and returning it to Sam's bedside. He walked back into the living room, raising an eyebrow as all he saw was a note where John had been sitting. 

Dean, You're right. I wrongly accused Sam, please apologize for me. I'll be back in two weeks, give or take. -JW

He shook his head, completely fed up with his dad. "Whatever, Dad." he grumbled, before getting ready for bed himself. He thought for a moment, before slipping into bed with Sam, who immediately snuggled into him. 


"Night, Sammy." he whispered, smiling tiredly. He fell asleep moments later, relieved to have it being just him and Sammy again.

I hope you enjoyed this little fic, so sorry it took so long. School is kicking my butt, but I'm still trying to put up quality stories for you all. 

As always: vote, comment, and request away! I love you all! <3

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