Breathing is Important!

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This was requested by the amazing Ram_3500. I apologize, I don't know a lot about cars, so if this sucks, I am so sorry. Please enjoy!


Dean walked into the motel room, to find Adam reading The Hobbit quietly, while Sam worked on his laptop and a pile of lore books. "You done with your homework and training?" he asked his teenage little brother.

Adam looked up from his book and nodded quickly, as he inserted his bookmark into his book. "I'm done with everything but shooting practice, Sam said I should wait." he said simply, as he looked at Dean questioningly.

"Well, I need to work on the pala, and was wondering if you wanted to help me." Dean said uncomfortably, in response to Adam's unspoken question.

Adam's face lit up, as he jumped to his feet. "I'd love to!" he said excitedly.

Dean relaxed visibly, and smiled at the teen's enthusiasm. "Great, let's get to it." he said, heading back outside to work on his beloved car.

Adam was hot on his heels, as he couldn't wait to show off how much he had intentionally learned about cars, just in case he got a chance to help with Baby.

When he got outside, Dean had the hood up, and was looking at something with a frown.

"What's wrong?" he asked in concern, causing Dean to look up at him quickly.

"You tell me." Dean said gruffly, stepping back and letting Adam take a look.

Adam immediately spotted the problem, and pointed it out, causing Dean to look at him in surprise.

"That's right, I'm surprised you spotted it so fast... much less at all." Dean said honestly, making Adam smile proudly.

"I've been studying up on cars and impalas, in general." Adam admitted, still beaming at his big brother.

Dean nodded proudly, so glad that Adam had taken the time to investigate cars and impalas. "I need my tools from the trunk," he said, as he walked around to the driver's side.

Adam jumped to get Dean's tools, as soon as the trunk was popped, he pulled the tools out of the trunk, dropped the socket wrench by the exhaust pipe accidentally. As he bent down to get it, Dean turned the engine over, causing him to get a lungful of exhaust.

He came up coughing harshly, the smoky oily taste burning his throat.

"Crap! Adam, you okay?!" Dean asked, as he saw the teen shoot upright in the exhaust smoke and start coughing too hard for his liking.

Adam kept coughing for a moment, before wiping the excess saliva he had coughed up off his lips, before giving Dean a thumbs up. "I'm fine," he said hoarsely, even as he felt a good amount of discomfort in his lungs, telling him he had a lot more coughing coming.

"You sure? Exhaust smoke can make you sick?" Dean said in concern, as he turned off the car and walked quickly to the teen's side.

Adam nodded his understanding, knowing full well what to expect from the exhaust inhalation as he had read all about it, when he was studying cars.

"I think you exacerbated my asthma." he teased, knowing he only had minor asthma, that didn't even require an inhaler.

"I'm really sorry," Dean said, taking the tools from Adam, as he watched the teen pale slightly. "Kiddo?" he asked gently, wondering what was going on in the teen's body.

Adam took a shaky breath, before he started coughing really hard again, so hard he doubled over and clutched his chest in pain.

Dean clapped the teen on his back gently, getting more worried about the kid by the minute, as he listened to the coughs that emanated from the kid's lungs. "Breathe, Adam." he said firmly, feeling him try to take a breath between harsh coughs.

Adam gasped in soft, minimal breaths as he could, relieved that the coughing was slowly stopping, as his chest and lungs were burning from how hard he was coughing.

"My chest hurts..." he admitted weakly, as he walked over to the curb nearby and sat down, dropping his head down to his knees.

"I'll get you some tylenol, it might help." Dean said, starting to head inside to get the first aid kit.

"No! I'm okay, I don't need any meds, I just need to catch my breath." Adam insisted gently, but with a firmness that surprised Dean.

"Um... if you say so." Dean said, against his better judgement, as he headed back to the front of his car to fix what was broken. He worked on his car happily, peeking at Adam periodically, noticing as the dozed off sitting there. "Adam?" he barked loudly, worried that the teen had just randomly passed out.

Adam jumped awake, a hand immediately pressing on his stomach, as he realized symptom number 2 was setting in. He prayed none of the other symptoms set in, as he was already struggling with nausea and coughing/chest pain.

"Do we have anything other than pepto?" he asked hoarsely, not wanting to taste the pink goo for the rest of the day. Just the idea made his stomach flip more, making him want to throw up out of nowhere. He swallowed convulsively a few times, until the pukey feeling passed, much to his relief.

"Um... we have some dramamine. Why?" Dean said, stopping what he was doing to look at Adam in concern, again.

Adam sighed softly, before looking at Dean and starting to cough. He coughed and coughed until he was choking on his own breath, until he gagged, almost throwing up much to his chagrin.

"I am nauseous," he admitted breathlessly, once he could gasp for air again.

Sam walked out with an old inhaler, a glass of water, and a bottle of dramamine. "Let me guess, exhaust inhalation?" he asked, having seen it happen, but he didn't let on that he had seen it.

Adam nodded miserably, accepting the med and water happily, only eyeing the inhaler thoughtfully. "Is that yours?" he asked, not caring whose it was, he just wasn't used to using an inhaler, so he was a bit leery of them.

Sam nodded, after looking at the inhaler briefly. "Yeah, I washed it." he said, knowing Adam wasn't worried about germs, but he wasn't sure what he was uncertain about. "Shake it, put the nozzle in your mouth, spray and inhale at the same time, hold your breath for 10 seconds, then return to normal breathing. Just try not to cough too early." he explained, watching the teen do as he had instructed.

Adam did as he was told, until it came to holding his breath, he only lasted 4 seconds, before he started coughing again.

"Sorry, I couldn't hold it any longer." he admitted, wheezing softly, as he tried to catch his breath.

"Its okay, it happens. How does your chest feel?" Sam asked gently, looking at Dean who was watching in concern.

"Better." Adam croaked, after swallowing the dramamine and some of the water. He was feeling a bit better, much to his relief.


It took two weeks and a hospital visit, with his own inhaler, to get Adam all better. Dean was uber careful after that, making sure no one was near the exhaust after that, and Sam watched Adam closely even after he was better, making sure he was breathing.

I hope you all enjoyed this little fic. As always: vote, comment, and request away. Love you all! <3 

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