Human!Lucifer gets the flu???

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Requested by my amazing bff Luci_Lucifer. He asked for human Lucifer needed Sam's help when he gets sick with the cold or flu. Set before Sam takes Lucifer to hell, with a bit of an AU theme. Samifer if you squint....


Sam sat on the edge of his bed, shaking his head. He couldn't shake the feeling, that something was really wrong... But he wasn't sure what it was yet. 

"Sammy, what's wrong?" Dean asked, quickly moving to Sam's side in concern. He felt his not-so-little brother's forehead, relieved there was no sign of a fever. 

"I'm fine, Dean... But I think Lucifer..." Sam said distractedly. He looked around, trying to figure out why he had dreamt about the fallen angel and in a different method than normal. 

***Start of Dream***

Sam was sitting in the local library, reading a book about Hell and demons. He was looking for anything that would give him an inclination of what to expect. 

"Sam?" a weaker voice asked, as a haggard looking Lucifer walked up to him. 

"Lucifer?! What are you doing here?" Sam hissed, looking around frantically for a weapon to use if things got hairy. 

"I am not here to hurt you... I need your help..." Lucifer panted, coughing harshly into the crook of his elbow. 

"Your vessel appears to be weakening faster than I originally thought." Sam said, a slightly haughty smirk on his face. 

"Its not that at all. I promise, I am not here to try to convince you to help me by being my vessel. I am here, because I am sick... Like coughing, sneezing, and nausea... I am not exactly sure how to handle it, to be completely honest." Lucifer admitted, with a sniffle. 

Sam crossed his arms over his chest, not in the mood to help the fallen angel, especially after everything that was in store for him. "So what do you want?" he asked bluntly. 

"I need your help, Sam. Please, I want do or try anything." Lucifer actually pleaded, looking quite spooked for an all-powerful fallen angel. 

"How am I supposed to do that? Dean'll kill me." Sam said, looking a bit scared himself. 

"I propose a truce..." Lucifer offered, coughing harshly, before sneezing twice back to back. "Excuse me... Sorry... Let me come to you, or vice versa. I won't harm you, if you don't harm me." he explained, wheezing softly. 

"I'll try, but I am not making any promises." Sam said heavily, knowing this wouldn't be an sell either way. 

 ***End of Dream***

 "Stop worrying about Lucifer, Sam. We have a way to get rid of him." Dean said firmly, relieved that Sam wasn't sick. 

"Not what I am trying to say, Dean! I am serious, Lucifer is sick... And we can help him. He has asked for a truce, so we can help him." Sam explained in a rush. "He came to me in a dream again, asking for help... And damnit, Dean, I am going to utilize it to learn more about him and his weaknesses." he said firmly. 

"What?! Are you insane?! He is lying!" Dean snapped, his face paling at the thought. 

"No he isn't. He has never once lied to me." Sam argued, starting to get really annoyed with Dean's behavior. 

"I am not helping him.... Not now... Not ever!" Dean snapped angrily, livid with Sam for even considering something so stupid and dangerous. 

"I am going to go help him... And you are just going to continue on the hunt." Sam said firmly, grabbing the meds and other supplies they had that were only used when one of them got sick. "Do we have any pepto, theraflu, and robitussin?" he asked, not even giving Dean a chance to argue.

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