Two Sick Teens

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Another awesome request by the ever-amazing Ram_3500! Y/N is the reader, just in case there is some confusion. Lol. Enjoy!


Adam sat on the couch, eyes closed and head back, with your head in his lap. your eyes closed as well. Both of you had woken up with headaches from hell, leaving you both flinching away from lights and sounds of all kinds.

Dean walked into the motel room, with his arms fully loaded with sick-day supplies, putting the bags down louder than he meant to, causing Adam to groan.

"Sorry, kiddo." the older Winchester grunted gently, feeling bad as he watched Adam clutch his head in agony. "How are you two?" he asked softly.

Neither of you made a move to answer: Adam choosing not to as his head was threatening to explode, you choosing not to as you had dozed off finally.

"Y/N is asleep, from the looks of it, and Adam looks sick." Sam offered, as he was sitting on one of the beds, where he could easily see the both of you.

Adam nodded slowly, as he focused his breathing, praying his now churning stomach would relax, so he didn't have to wake you up. Much to his chagrin, it wasn't working, his stomach was getting worse and worse by the moment.

"I feel sick..." he grunted out, swallowing thickly, as Sam jumped up and helped move you gingerly, but it still woke you up.

"What's going on?" You demand with a whimper, as pain shot behind your eyes, causing you to cringe.

Adam sprang to his feet, booking it to the bathroom as fast as his legs could carry him, before dropping to his knees in front of the toilet with a harsh gag.

"Oh Adam... I didn't know you felt that sick." you say gently, as you break out in chills all over your body, causing you to start shivering. You grab a blanket off the back of the couch, wrap it around your shoulders, and pull it tight, as your teeth start chattering, before walking into the bathroom to Adam's side.

"You don't have to be in here." Adam gasped out, gagging hard as his stomach's churning was only intensifying by the moment.

If asked, you'd deny it, but the idea of being in the bathroom while Adam puked, made you feel pukey yourself. But he needed to not be alone, and neither of his brothers had moved to help him, so you did it, even if you were just as miserable.

"I don't mind, but be warned, I may join you." You half-teased, even though your own stomach had started flipping sympathetically with each gag you heard. You sat down beside him, rubbing his back, as your teeth chattered, cringing as he suddenly lurched forward and vomited hard.

No sooner did you hear Adam vomit, were you up and over the tub, feeling like you were about to throw up for yourself. You waited for a moment, praying the feeling would go away, but then Adam vomited again, causing you to lurch forward and splatter half digested food all over the tub floor.

Dean walked into the bathroom in time to witness you and Adam vomiting at the same time. "They are both puking." he said, as he sat down behind both of you, rubbing your backs gently as you both continued to get sick.

"I got bins, sprite, pedialyte... Do they have fevers?" Sam asked in concern, needing to know if he needed tylenol or anything to reduce a fever.

Dean reached over, barely grazing Adam and your forehead's as you had a brief break in between bouts of vomiting, He whistled softly, earning double groans from you both, as Adam glared at him, and you buried your head in your arms.

"Sorry, kiddos; yes, Sam, they're feverish." Dean called softly, earning a mumble of pain from you, and a growl from Adam. "I'm trying here." he said in soft exasperation.

"I'm ready for them, when they are ready to come back out." Sam called from the living room area.

Adam was the first to get up and leave the bathroom after flushing the toilet. He walked out of the cramped bathroom to find that Sam had moved the coffee table, set up a makeshift bed on the floor, and it was all set for you both.

Sam greeted Adam, as soon as he saw the bed made. "Take these two tylenol, sip on your sprite, and rest. If you feel sick, here is a bin, that way you both aren't tripping over each other to get to the bathroom." He said, handing him the meds, sprite, and bin.

Adam grimaced at the idea of getting sick again, but nodded, swallowing the meds with a bit of help from the sprite, groaning as his stomach immediately started flipping again. "I feel sick again." he warned Sam, as he took the bin, sat on the makeshift bed, and put the bin in his lap.

"Try to breathe through it." Sam suggested, as he knelt beside his brother in concern, as Adam gagged again. He sighed softly, rubbing Adam's back, relieved when he didn't feel anymore gags or heaves coming. "You good?" he asked after a moment of silence. He flinched as he heard a vomit sound.

"Atta boy/girl, get it up." Dean encouraged from the bathroom as you started vomiting again on your own this time.

"I'm gonna sleep, while I wait for Y/N." Adam said tiredly, laying down and closing his eyes.

Sam got up and walked to the bathroom, flinching as you lurched forward again, splattering the tub again. "You're really sick." he said in concern.

"My head hurts so much, its making me nauseous." you ground out, through chattering teeth. You pulled the blanket that was still on you tighter, as you tried to warm up, in hopes that you felt better soon.

"Want to try some pedialyte?" Sam offered, knowing that you preferred it to sprite or ginger ale when you were sick.

"When my stomach stops..." you start to say, before your stomach catches the hint and you vomit violently again.

"No more talking, finish puking." Dean said firmly, but gently. He rubbed your back gently, glad to feel you relaxing under his hand. "Better?" he asked.

You nod, before resting your feverish forehead against the cold tub edge and close your eyes. "M freezing." you mumble, reaching out blindly for Dean, knowing he will be warmer than you are right now.

Dean took your hand, causing you to sigh in relief, as you feel his warmth spread into your skin.

"You are freezing, let's get you some meds, and resting with Adam. He is a natural heater too." he suggested.

You nod with a weak yawn, as Dean helped you to your feet, and Sam led you into the living room. "Got my tylenol, pedialyte, and bin?" you ask with another yawn, as you hear Dean turn on the shower to rinse out your mess.

Sam chuckled, giving you all three. "Of course," he said, as you swallowed the meds and sipped on the pedialyte.

"Thanks, Sam." you say sweetly, before laying down beside Adam who wrapped an arm around you protectively.

"You two get some rest, the tylenol should help you feel better." Sam said gently, as he went to help Dean.

You snuggled into Adam, so grateful he is so warm, and finally stop shivering. Within a matter of minutes, you were both sound asleep.


You both took turns waking up sick, but by the beginning of the following day, both of your headaches, chills, fevers, and nausea are gone and you two are back to torturing Sam and Dean with your antics and arguments. 

I hope you enjoyed this little fic! As always: vote, comment, and request away. Love you all! <3

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