Sick Teen and Garth

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Young reader (13) gets food poisoning, and Garth has to take care of them. Requested by the amazing Louistopslilo209.


Garth looked around thoughtfully, wondering where his young friend had disappeared to.

"Y/N, where are you?" he called loudly, searching the massive house they were house-sitting in. There was no answer, which was starting to make him really uneasy.

"Y/N?!" He yelled again, running a mental check over whether or not he had proofed the house. He sighed softly, realizing he had when they got there.

"Garth?" came a panicked voice from down the hall.

Garth quickly followed the voice, to find his young friend curled up on the guest bed.

"Hey, kiddo, what's wrong?" he asked, moving to Y/N's side immediately.

"I don't feel good. I think the burritos we ate were bad." Y/N whimpered, wrapping their arms around their stomach tightly.

"Oh... um, let's get you to the bathroom." Garth suggested, knowing what to expect next. He helped Y/N up and to the bathroom, noticing right away that the thirteen year old was pale, feverish, and shivering.

Y/N sat down on the toilet seat, doubled over and groaning.

"Aw man, I'm sorry you feel so sick. Let me go get you a bowl or bin, or something." Garth said quickly, moving towards the door rapidly.

"Please don't leave." Y/N pleaded, paling even more.

Garth stopped, nodding slowly as he turned around. 

"Okay, I'll stay. But I think you need to get in the tub." He said gently. 

Y/N groaned softly, whimpering as his/her stomach gurgled loudly. 

Garth grimaced in sympathy, as he helped Y/N up, and slowly helped Y/N strip. 

Y/N blushed, embarrassed at being completely naked in front of Garth. 

Garth blushed in return, not sure what to do, as he heard Y/N's stomach gurgle again. He lifted Y/N into the tub. 

"You can sit or stand, whichever is more comfortable." He stammered, as he looked around for something to rinse the tub out with. He sighed in relief, when he saw a large plastic cup on the floor. He grabbed it, as he sat down on the top of the toilet seat. 

Y/N sat down slowly, whimpering as  their body tensed and led them to gag. He/she gagged repeatedly, causing his/her bowels to evacuate too. 

Garth sighed softly, turning on the water to lukewarm. He made sure that the water washed everything away. He flinched at each gag, realizing Y/N may not vomit at all. 

"Just breathe slowly, its okay." he said uncertainly, not sure what else to say. 

"It hurts..." Y/N whimpered, panting as his/her bowels just continued to empty over and over again. "I'd rather be throwing up." he/she admitted, as goosebumps popped up all over his/her skin. 

"I know, but food poisoning sometimes chooses to come out the southern end, not the northern end." Garth said sadly, hating that he couldn't help more. 

"That's gross," Y/N said, with a shudder. He/she started retching painfully, but nothing was coming up.

"Whoa. Breathe, Y/N." Garth said, panicking slightly, at seeing the kid's discomfort. 

Y/N flipped the hunter the bird, as he/she lurched forward, as his/her stomach contents began to appear on the tub floor. 

Garth rubbed Y/N's back, flinching with each heave and evacuation. 

Y/N panted hard, trying to catch his/her breath, before the next onslaught could hit. He/she didn't get far, as his/her body continued trying to empty completely. 

Garth stayed beside Y/N for hours, relieved when the poor kid finally stopped getting sick from either end. He helped the kid rinse down, dry off, and get into bed. 

Y/N fell into an exhausted sleep, but not before grabbing Garth's hand tightly. 

Garth smiled down at his young friend, sliding into bed beside him/her. 

"Sleep well, and feel better, Y/N." he said, with a yawn. Soon he was sound asleep as well, cuddled close to protect and comfort his sweet, young companion. 


am so sorry, I know this is shorter than normal. College courses are kicking my butt, but I wanted to give at least a small chapter. I hope you all are well, and enjoy this snippet! 

As always, please comment/ review, vote, and request away!!! 

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