One of the Reasons Dean Hates Flying

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As requested by , a bit of sick teen Dean with a splash of airsickness = EWWW!!!!! Lol.


Achoo! Achoo! Achoo!

    "Bless you," John said, sounding slightly perturbed with the sneezer in question.

"Gesundheit," Sam said with a snort, as Dean sent him a withering glare.

"Thanks," Dean said in a nasally voice. Achoo! Achoo! Achoo! "Ugh," he groaned, holding his head in discomfort at the pounding in his head from all the sneezing.

"Back to bed, son, I need you feeling better tomorrow." John said firmly to his eldest. "We have to fly to Seattle for a hunt." he added.

Dean's eyes widened fearfully, before swallowing hard. "Dad? Did you say fly?" he asked hoarsely, coughing into his elbow after speaking.

"Yes, the 'pala is being fixed up at Bobby's. We need to get to the hunt ASAP." John explained, knowing Dean wasn't a huge fan of flying, even though the teen had never been on a plane before.

"Can't we rent a car to drive?" Dean asked weakly, starting to feel dizzy and disoriented. If he had been asked, he'd say he was fine, when in actuality: he had a fever, couldn't stop coughing and sneezing, felt like he was swallowing razor blades, felt like his stomach could rebel at any moment, and his head pounding was making him dizzy.

"No, flying would be faster. This is not for negotiation. Go to bed, and get better." John snapped, glaring at Dean.

Dean sighed softly, leading him into a coughing fit that took his breath away. Once he was breathing enough to see where he was going, he trudged off to bed. He collapsed on his bed, dreading the flight.

"Dad, I thought you said the flight was tonight." Sam said in confusion, making sure his tone didn't sound argumentative.

John looked up at Sam, judging his behavior before answering. "Didn't I say that?" he asked, sounding tired and frustrated.

Sam frowned thoughtfully, before shaking his head slowly. "No, I think you told Dean tomorrow. I just wanted to make sure I had the right information." he said quickly, hoping John wouldn't snap at him for misunderstanding.

"Go tell Dean, I gave him the wrong time. But I still want him to sleep, before the flight." John ordered gruffly, but didn't get mad at his youngest.

Sam nodded, quickly moving down the hall to the bedroom where he could hear Dean trying to cough up his lungs again. He walked into the bedroom, as Dean laid back down, breathing hard.

"You okay?" the thirteen year old asked in concern. He moved to Dean's side slowly, not wanting to startle his sicker-than-a-dog brother.

Dean shivered hard, as he burrowed under the blankets. "I'm fine, Sammy. Did you need something?"

Sam sighed softly, knowing Dean was pulling a tough guy act because their dad was around. "The flight is tonight, not tomorrow. But Dad still wants you to nap, until we leave." he said gruffly, watching Dean's face pale considerably.

"Tonight?" Dean asked in a strained voice. "Are you sure?" he asked uncertainly, knowing that it was not going to be a good flight.

"Yeah, Dad told me earlier. I think he mixed it up with you. Are you sure you're okay?" Sam asked, seeing Dean swallow repeatedly.

"Yeah, I'm good. Gonna sleep for a bit." Dean said, coughing a few times, before closing his eyes and dozing off.

Sam walked back to the living room, worrying about his big brother, and almost ran into his dad who had his hands full.

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