I Thought You Only Got Air Sick...

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This was requested by the wonderful BrieannaSincleair. I am so sorry for falling behind, but I hope you all enjoy this one! SPOILERS from Season 1, episode 4 (Phantom Traveler)!


You and Dean had decided to take a shortcut on a ferry, while Sam had opted to drive the impala the long way around. You had thought ahead, and bought and swallowed some Dramamine before leaving the motel that morning, as you didn't want to risk getting seasick on the ferry. You had even offered some to Dean, but he seemed too distracted with reminding Sam to take care of his baby, to notice what you had offered. 

You and Dean walked up the long pathway to the middle of the ferry, stopping briefly for you to take a picture to document your fun. 

Dean dutifully smiled for the picture, before immediately fixing his eyes anywhere but the moving water on either side of the pathway. 

"You okay, Dean?" you ask kindly, trying really hard not laugh at his wide eyed look, that he turned towards you.

"I'm fine, Y/N." he said gruffly, causing you to giggle. 

"So you're: Freaked out, Insecure, Neurotic, and Emotional?" you tease, laughing all the harder as he glared at you in response. 

"Really, Y/N? I know you love the movie, The Italian Job, but that doesn't mean I am all those things when I say I am fine." He grumbled in annoyance. In his mind, fine was just fine, not some long-winded acronym. Truth be told, he was quite proud of his mental vocabulary, if only he could use those words around Sam. 

"Okay, okay, Mr. Grumpy Gills... You're looking a bit pale." You point out, thinking you're a comic genius, and that the older Winchester was paling the longer you both stood on the walkway leading to the actual ferry. 

"Not a fish..." He grumbled, trying to swallow the uneasy feeling creeping up from his toes, as he listened to the water moving up and down, up and down. Okay, maybe, the water idea was making him feel a bit off, but he wasn't about to admit it out loud. 

You laugh, as the line to board finally started moving again, allowing you and Dean to finally get on the ferry that was bouncing ever so slightly on the moving water. 

You and Dean both walk over to your assigned seating area, based on paying for generic tickets. You both sat down, getting ready for the hour-ish ride across the bay. 

Based on the water movements, you were relieved that you had opted to take some Dramamine, its always better to be safe than sorry. You looked over at Dean, wondering if he felt any better, after being on a more stationary vehicle on the water. What you found was a very pale looking Winchester, who was looking around freaked out and anxious. 

"Dean?" You asked in concern, putting your hand on his knee to draw his attention to your face instead of looking everywhere else. "You okay?" you add, once he looked at you. 

"Y/N????" He asked shakily, looking suddenly sick, and you hadn't even left the port yet. 

"Hey, it's okay. Relax, we're safe. Nothing bad is going to happen." You say sweetly, watching him swallow back to back hesitantly. 

He nodded slowly, before starting to hum Metallica softly under his breath. 

You smile, remembering what Sam had said about flying and Dean's humming Metallica (from Phantom Traveler episode). "Metallica helping?" you ask kindly, smiling at him encouragingly. 

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