Toddler Dean Gets The Flu

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Requested by DWfangirl16. I hope you enjoy! 


"Get her, Sam, before she can... Ahh..." Dean cried out, as electric red lightening hit him from the witches hands, as she muttered the last bits of her spells.

Sam shot off a bullet, as her spell ended, and the woman cackled, disabling the witch's powers in one shot. "What did you do to him?" he demanded flatly, getting tired of Dean getting zapped by every spell crazed witch and warlock that came along.

"Come tomorrow morning, you will see what the past held. Only once it has run its course, will things return to normal, but be prepared for a mess." The witch cackled cryptically, dissolving into laughter at her own joke.

"What the heck does that mean?" Dean demanded, feeling a little lightheaded and tired, but otherwise felt perfectly fine.

"You shall see, my boy, you shall see." The witch cackled, as Crowley took the witch away from the boys.

"I'll see this one is locked away, she can't zap anyone else, right?" Crowley asked, locking the witch in his car.

Sam nodded. "Yeah, she can't zap unless that bullet is removed." he said thoughtfully, wondering what she meant, as Cas helped Dean into the impala.

"Sam, you may want to drive. Dean is acting strange." Cas warned, concern evident in his tone, as he practically had to manhandle Dean into the car.

Dean laughed dopily. "I'm fine, just a little dizzy. I can still drive just fine." he said, staggering, as he tried to get into the driver seat, and landed on his butt hard. "Whoa... Ow... Stupid witch made me not be able to walk very well." he grumbled to himself, quite loudly.

Sam chuckled softly, nodding to Cas to help Dean into the backseat, so they could get back to the bunker and finish this spell off. Thankfully they were less than an hour away from the bunker, so they'd be home in no time at all.

Cas wrestled the hunter into the car and climbed into the passenger seat, listening to Dean chuckle to himself about goodness knows what, before passing out.

Sam got into the driver's seat and drove them home, worried about what the witch did to his big brother.


The following morning, Sam was up bright and early, wondering why Dean wasn't up before him, when he heard the cry of a small child coming from down the hall. He followed the sound to a young kid in swamped in Dean's clothes.

"Great, she turned you into a toddler..." Sam said in exasperation, scooping up toddler Dean, and cuddling him to stop his tears, as he carried him to the kitchen in search of food appropriate for his age range.

He food some apples that he cut up small, and offered to Dean, which the toddler happily munched on, earning a laugh from the tall hunter.

"If only adult you would eat fruit." he said with a chuckle, earning a toothy grin from Dean, who shoved another piece of apple in his mouth.

Once all the pieces of apple were gone, Sam helped Dean drink a small glass of milk, which the toddler seemed to love, before taking Dean out to the living room to draw on some paper while he researched how to get out of this spell.

"Cas, help!" He called, needing someone to watch Dean, so he could focus on getting his big brother out of this mess... again.

Cas appeared in a flutter of wings, looking at toddler Dean in bewilderment, as the toddler crawled over to him. "Dean?" he asked in surprise. "Is this the witch's doing?" he asked Sam.

"Yep," Sam said, enunciating the p. "I need you to watch him, so I can figure out how to reverse it." he said.

Cas nodded, sitting on the floor to draw with Dean, who was transfixed on the angel's hands on the paper. "Now Dean, if you draw like this you get a rainbow." he said, demonstrating a beautiful rainbow.

Dean scribbled on his paper, before looking at Cas proudly, babbling happily about his drawing.

"Very good, Dean. Try a kitty cat." Cas suggested, after demonstrating, but not before noticing that Dean was drenched in sweat, which he found odd for the toddler. "Sam, should he be drenched?" he asked in concern.

"What do mean by drenched?" Sam asked, looking up from his laptop in surprise.

"He is sweating an abnormal amount." Cas said, touching Dean's forehead, pulling back quickly. "He is burning with fever." he added.

Sam sighed softly in concern, before walking over and picking up Dean gingerly. "What's wrong with you, Deano?" he asked gently, cuddling the toddler to his chest, where he could feel the heat emanating. "I don't have baby supplies for him..." he started to say.

Dean whimpered softly, burping a couple times, before burping up some of the milk from earlier onto Sam's shirt.

"Oh Deano, do you have a tummy ache?" Sam asked gently, as the toddler burped again, bringing up more milk and some apple onto Sam's shirt and himself.

Cas got up and walked over to Sam and Dean, taking the sick toddler from Sam, cuddling him close, and rocking him slowly to and fro. "Go clean up, Sam, I got him." he said, turning Dean over as the toddler urped up more yuck from his little tummy.

Sam took off his outer shirt, put it on the floor, just in time for Dean to get sick again, and went to get changed. He returned in clean clothes, with a big shirt for Dean to wear, a makeshift diaper, a few towels, a bottle of liquid Tylenol, and a cuppy of apple juice.

He took Dean from Cas gingerly, causing the toddler to cry, and changed his clothes into the stuff he brought, and got him more comfortable, before administering a small amount of Tylenol with a small amount of apple juice. He rolled Dean over, as the meds and juice came right back up, onto the towels on the floor.

"Poor baby." Sam cooed gently, rubbing Dean's back, as the toddler crawled over to Cas and pouted.

Cas scooped Dean up, and cuddled him close, until the poor thing fell asleep in the angel's arms, warm and safe, sucking on his thumbs. The angel smiled at Sam, chuckling as Dean snuggled closer to him, making clear he didn't want to be moved for anything.

Sam smirked, shaking his head. "Well the toddler has spoken. How long is he going to be a baby?" He wondered.

"The witch said until it runs its course. Think it means the flu?" Cas asked curiously, rocking Dean gently back and forth.

"I sure hope so. But it sucks, she made him a baby and gave him the flu." Sam said simply, earning a nod of agreement from Cas.

Cas sat down with Sam, content to sit in silence while toddler dean slept.


Cas put Dean to bed in his bed, and the following morning the hunter was back to normal, and pissed as all get out that Sam had given him apples.

"You poisoned me... That's why I got sick!" he bellowed, startling Sam awake.

Sam laughed, relieved that Dean was back to normal. "Welcome back." he said kindly, embracing his brother.


Sam and Cas never told Dean about the pictures they took of baby Dean, but they kept them in case Dean ever needed them, but Dean never seemed to have a memory of what happened that day. Or if he did, he never mentioned it.

I hope you enjoyed this little fic! As always: vote, comment, and request away. Love you all! <3

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