Flu on the Road

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Requested by eatcake4breakfast. Some sick Sam on the road, and Dean being his awesome big brother self. Set season 1, SPOILER ALERT! Grossness warning!


Dean was driving the impala down the highway, listening to his favorite tape of Metallica. They were in between hunts, which meant long hours on the road. He didn't mind the long hours, but he knew that Sam did.

He looked over at his brother, who was trying to read multiple newspapers they had grabbed at the last couple of gas stations.

Sam pulled at the collar of his shirt repeatedly, as goosebumps popped up all over his skin.

"Is it cold in here?" he asked, pulling at his collar again.

"No, why? You okay?" Dean asked, immediately looking his brother up and down out of the corner of his eye. He could tell that Sam's temp was all over the place, and the younger man appeared to be quite pale. More so than he had been, earlier that morning.

Sam glared at Dean, but how pale he was, weakened the power behind the look.

"I'm just tired." he said gruffly, as he was suddenly hit with a wave of dizziness that left him disoriented, nauseous, and wishing he could just pass out. He swallowed hard, as his stomach churned aggressively, but nothing tried to come up, much to his relief.

"Okay, Sammy, maybe you should take a nap." Dean offered, getting tired of Sam's angsty behavior.

"Can we stop soon?" Sam asked, coughing softly, as he tried to resist the urge to try to gag.

"Um... We need gas soon, so ten to twenty minutes." Dean said simply, knowing they needed to stop for food too.

Sam nodded in relief, closing his eyes as he tried to relax. He could feel more goosebumps popping up all over him, causing him to start shivering. He wrapped his arms tightly around himself, tried to hide how hard he was shivering, even as his teeth started chattering.

Dean sighed softly under his breath, looking at his brother in concern. The kid shouldn't be that cold, not in a fairly warm car. He noticed fairly quickly that Sam was not just pale, but his cheeks were flushed, telling Dean that his little brother had a hell of a fever.

"Here, take this." He said softly, slipping his jacket off and put it around Sam. He reached into the backseat, feeling around until he found a blanket, which he brought to the front seat and covered Sam.

Sam pulled the jacket and blanket tight, snuggling into them as his teeth kept chattering. "Thanks, Dean." he said softly, coughing under his breath as he felt his stomach churned aggressively again. "I don't feel so good." he moaned softly.

Dean immediately knew this wasn't going to end up well. "Talk to me, Sammy, what's wrong?" he asked firmly, as he turned off the highway to stop at a gas station. Unfortunately, they were nowhere near a motel, so they couldn't stop for the day, and it would be another couple hours before they could stop.

"M dizzy, sick to my stomach, freezing cold, and really tired." Sam mumbled, blinking slowly as his eyelids grew heavier.

Dean pulled to a stop at the gas station, told the gas attendant what gas to fill the impala's tank with, and waited to go pay. He pulled up to the mini mart attached to the gas station, climbed out of the car, before looking back at Sam who had managed to nod off a few minutes ago.

He walked into the mini mart looking for items to help Sam feel better and give them both some sustenance. He grabbed crackers, chips, Gatorade, ginger ale, coffee, Tylenol, Pepto, he got lucky and found a bucket too. After paying, he walked back out to the car, as Sam opened his door frantically and hung out of the car retching loudly.

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