You caught a cold?!

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requested by @louistopslilo209, some sick with a cold Gabriel... Mix in a little misfiring angel's grace, and chaos will ensue. Hope you enjoy! 


"Achoo!" echoed through the bunker, as the only warning before the ground rumbled slightly beneath Sam and Dean's feet. 

"Bless you!" the Winchesters called in unison. 

"Thank you," came the hoarse, congested reply as a miserable looking figure walked into the main room where the boys were. 

"Are you okay. Gabriel?" Sam asked in concern, looking up from the tome he was reading. 

"No... I can't even taste my sweets... Stupid plugged up nose..." The trickster groaned, collapsing into a seat heavily. 

"Perhaps some tea would help." Dean suggested, unsure of how to help a sick angel, that wasn't supposed to be able to get sick in general. 

Gabriel nodded, snapping his fingers expectantly. "Um... Do you see a cup of tea anywhere?" he asked innocently, not seeing his tea anywhere. 

Sam looked around in confusion, not seeing anything even remotely resembling a cup of tea. "Sorry, Gabriel. I don't see your tea anywhere." he said simply, wondering what happened. 

Gabriel sighed softly, not saying anything do to his horrible sore throat. He snapped his fingers again, looking around expectantly. The only response to the snap was a light bulb shattering across the room. "Sorry." he said hoarsely. 

Dean shook his head. "Don't worry about it, I'll make you the tea the old fashioned human way." he said, getting up to make the angel some tea. 

Sam got up quickly, cleaning up the shattered light bulb. "Need some tissues or meds?" he asked the miserable looking angel. 

Gabriel shook his head slowly, wincing at the pain that shot through his head. 

"Gabriel, taking some tylenol should help that headache." Sam pointed out simply, just trying to help the angel. 

Gabriel nodded and snapped his fingers, once again nothing appeared. 

"Sonuva... Gabriel! Quit that! I can't make you tea if you keep turning it into sprinkles." Dean called grumpily, from the kitchen. 

Gabriel blushed deep red, looking at Sam apologetically. He had no idea what was going on with his grace today, must be the virus attacking his vessel was also attacking his grace. 

Sam stifled a snicker, trying to look serious and brooding like normal. "He's sorry." he called in response to his brother. 

Gabriel rolled his eyes, closing them as he was hit with an overwhelming wash of dizziness. 

"You okay?" Sam asked, noticing that Gabriel's face had paled suddenly. The trickster nodded slowly, breathing calmly as the wave passed. 

He gave Sam a thumb's up, as he looked over at Dean who was walking back into the room with the hot mug of tea. 

"Here you go, sicko. This should help you feel better... hopefully." Dean said with mock enthusiasm. He put the mug of tea on the table in front of Gabriel, giving him his classic bitchface for the sprinkles incident. 

Gabriel frowned slightly, waving Dean backwards as he felt a sneeze coming on. Dean glared at the angel, not catching the hint. Gabriel snapped his fingers again, sneezing as hard as he could, causing the room to shake slightly. "Sorry," he said hoarsely. 

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