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Rae groaned to herself as she walked out of the bathroom. She saw Iain as he sat in bed and smiled

"how are you feeling" he asked as she smiled

"the morning sickness is starting and I think we need to talk over what we want to do" Rae said as she got into bed next to him, he looked to her and smiled

"well what do you want to do I mean we have faith and I love her and I'd love another one and a big family with you but we have important jobs and after all it is your body at the end of the day" Iain said as Rae sighed

"I know I have thought over it and I know it is a hard decision I mean I didn't plan to get pregnant again. But I know it's not going to be easy but I also knew that I don't think I can go through with an abortion" Rae said as Iain looked to her and frowned

"are you saying what I think that you are" Iain asked as she looked to him and nodded

"yeah I am I mean it's not going to be easy but I think we should keep it but I am going to need your support especially when I get near the end" Rae said as he looked to her and smirked as he leant in and kissed her

"I am not going anywhere I promise"
Rae got to work and stood in the staffroom as Lexi walked in. Lexi looked to her and smiled

"are you okay" lexi asked as Rae nodded

"I decided I am going to keep the baby. I mean I know it's not going to be easy and I am scared and I don't know wait to do or how I will do it but we made this baby after all" Rae said as Lexi looked to her and smiled

"I know it won't be easy not at all but you can do this, you can make it work and Iain is a good guy and he is a good dad and yeah you will have yourself a handful but it will be okay" lexi said as Rae looked to her and smiled.

Rae knew that Lexi was probably right but she was scared. She knew that faith wasn't even one yet and she was pregnant and she knew that she and Iain were about to have another baby and she knew that they had to try and remain stronger than ever before and how things were going to be far from easy but she knew that she didn't want to have an abortion, she knew it was hard but she knew that deep down in her heart that she didn't want to do it

Rae smiled as she walked out of resus and smiled as she saw lexi "Rae..this is my mum, mum this is Rae" Lexi said as she introduced the both of them

"it's nice to meet you Rae" Lexi mum said to Rae who looked to her and smiled. Rae couldn't help but feel off over it, she felt as if there was tension between them and she didn't like it.

But little did Rae know that the connection that she actually had to her best friends mother and how it was all going to change and how things were going to be far from easy for her especially when she was pregnant

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