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Rae had been discharged from the hopstial and was retunring to work sice having faith. Faith was still in the hospital. She was growing well but needed to gain some weight. Rae sat in the car as iain drove into work. He placed a hand on her knee as she looked to him and smiled "i want to go and see faith ,before work" she said as he looked to her and smiled "ill come with you" he said as she looked to him and smiled. She stood from the car and they walked into the ED. He took her hand and looked ot her and smiled as they walked up to the ICU and saw faith. She looked to her and picked her up and held her close "shes perfect" iain said as he looked to his daughter and smiled "she is" he said as she smiled to him. Rae watched as the nurse walked over and smiled "i think that, she may be ready to go home tongiht" the nurse said as rae looked to her and smiled "really?" she asked as the nurse smiled and nodded "thats great" iain said as rae smiled as she looked down at faith and smiled.


Rae walked down into the ED and smiled as she saw lexi who stood with Cal. Rae walked over to her and smiled "hows faith?" lexi asked as rae smiled "shes good, shes coming home later" rae said as lexi looked to her and smiled "thats great" lexi said as iain walked over to her Rae was standing and wrapped his arms around her and pulled him to her as he kissed her neck "iain" she said as he chuckled "hows my girl?" he asked as lexi rolled her eyes as she looked to rae and iain "im good" rae said as she trurned to iain and placed a hand on his cheek and kissed him slighlty.

Rae walked into the ambulance station and smiled as she spotted iain"hey" he said as she walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled as she kissed him. He pulled her close and kissed her back before she pulled away and looked to him "whats got you so happy?" he asked as she looked to him and smiled "you, and faith and the family we have created. Who knew that when we met that this would happen" she said as he smiled to her "i love you rae" iain said as she leant in and kissed him. He deepened he kiss and lifted her up onto the desk and stood between her legs. She unhooked his belt and looked to him smirked as he pulled off the scrubs that she was wearing before he pulled her close and pushed into her causing her to moan. She dug her nails into his shoudlers as he started to move in and out of her as the door opened and lexi walked in "oh god" she said as she walked back out, shocked and wanting to remove her eyes over what she had just seen.


Rae stood outsdie of the ED that night as she waited for Iain who went to get faith. She stood with lexi who smirked to her "i hope you used protection, you dont want to fall pregnant again" lexi said as roae rolled her eyes at her "funny" rae said as she paled as she spotted simon "hello Olivia, or should  say rae as its the name you go by" he said as she looked to him and paled "what do you want?" she asked as he smirked "you, i want you back" he said as he took a step towards her backing her agaisnt the wall. Iain walked out of the ED and frowned as he saw simon "Lexi hold faith" he asked as he handed the car seat to lexi before he grabbed Simon and pushed him against the wall "i warned you, i told you to stay away from her and im teling you once more because if i hear you even sniffed in her direction me and a dozen of my old army mates will come after you, and they dont like men that beat women" Iian said as simon nodded before he walked away. Rae looked to iain and smiled "is it really okay>" rae asked as iain nodded "it is"

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