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Rae walked into work and into the staffroom. She looked to Lexi as she sat in the corner of the room. Rae frowned to herself as she looked to Lexi, she could tell that Lexi wasn't herself and that there was something bothering her "okay, who has annoyed you now, is it cal or Ethan" Rae asked as Lexi looked to her and smiled "it's not either of them, something happened with Rita" she said as Rae looked to her and frowned "what has the twisted psychopath done now?" Rae asked as Lexi looked to her and sighed "she's blackmailing me, she's blackmailing me over how I slept with cal. She said that she is going to Ethan. I don't know what to do" Lexi said as she ran her hands through her hair and looked to Rae. Rae sat next to her and smiled as she took a hold of her hand and smiled "what does she want me to help her. She wants me to help her break you up and I can't" Lexi said as she started to cry

Rae wrapped an arm around her and smiled. She didn't want to loose her best friend and she hated Rita, she hated Rita more than anything especially now that she was using Lexi to try and break her and Iain up "you have to tell Ethan yourself so that she can't blackmail you, he may hate you for it but it's better than Rita telling him" Rae said as Lexi looked to her and sighed. Lexi knew Rae was right but it was all still a big mess. Rae sighed to herself. She was annoyed and now more than ever, she knew that she wanted Rita gone. She wanted them out of their life's for good as she didn't care what it took


Rae walked through the ED. She was fuming. Iain walked out of resus as he came in with a call out. Rae ignored Iain and went for Rita "you, you are absolute psychopath" Rae said as she slapped her. Iain saw and walked to Rae and grabbed her by the waist "don't, don't do something that you'll regret. She isnt worth it" Iain said as Rae looked to him and to Rita who was smirking at her "one day, you will get what you deserve" Rae said. Iain lead Rae off and towards the ambulance bay. He looked to her and smiled as he placed a hand on her cheek and smiled "she isn't worth it baby" he said as Rae looked to him and nodded

He placed a hand on her cheek and smiled "you do trust me don't you?" "More than anything" "good cause I'm going to sort it" Iain said as Rae looked to him and smiled. He leant in to kiss her as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close. She ran his hands through his hair and moaned as he lead her to the back of an ambulance and lay her down as he climbed on top of her. They stripped off as she pulled him close as he pushed into her causing her to moan as he started to move in and out of her

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