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Rae woke up next to Iain and smiled to him as she curled into his half asleep still as he chuckled slightly and pulled her to him and kissed the top of her head. She looked up at him and smiled as she looked to her engagement ring and smiled "are you sure that you still want to marry me?" She asked teasing him as he looked to her and chuckled "I am more than sure" Iain said as he pulled Rae to him and kissed her. She placed a hand on the back of his neck and looked to him and smiled to him "I have a lot of baggage you know" she said teasing him as Iain looked to her and rolled her eyes "Rae I don't care, I love you and only you and I want no one else, now or ever" he said as she looked to him and smirked.

"That's the right answer" she said as she leant in and kissed him. As he pulled her close and smiled to him. He placed a hand on her cheek and looked to her and smiled "I never cared about your baggage and I'm not going to do, I love you with your baggage as it makes you..you and you are amazing and the strongest person that I know and I love you" Iain said as she looked to him and smiled as she leant in to kiss him. He pulled her close as the kiss got more heated as he rolled over so that he was lying on top of her and ran his hands up her thighs causing her to moan under his touch as they got more heated. She moaned as he started to kiss her neck as the sound of crying came from the baby monitor causing them both to groan "ill go" Rae said as she stood from the bed and walked towards the nursery.


Rae got to work and walked into the staffroom. She spotted Lexi who stood with cal flirting and rolled her eyes as she stood by her locker in the staffroom. Lexi followed her and looked to her as Rae smirked to her "you two are spending a lot of time together" Rae said as Lexi smiled "I care a lot for him but I don't want to rush it" Lexi said as Rae smiled "so how does it feel to be engaged?" Lexi asked "normal and normal is good for me at the moment especially with all Iain and I have been through" Rae said as Lexi smiled to her.

Later that day, Rae stood in resus and frowned as jez came in with a call out without Iain. She couldn't help but anxious that something had happened "where's Iain?" She asked as jez looked to her "he's coming in with a patient in another ambulance don't worry" jez said as Rae sighed to herself. Rae knew Iain would be fine but she still felt scared that it was all too good to be true and that something bad would happen between them and ruin everything.


Later that day, Rae walked into the pub and smiled as she found Iain who was drinking in the corner "gem offered to look after faith for the night, do you want to tell me what's going on" she asked as he looked to her and smiled "I just felt as If there was more I could do to help the patient, I feel useless" he said as Rae looked to him and smiled "you aren't Iain and i will prove it, come on" Rae said. Rae and Iain headed home and she looked to him and smirked as she leant in and kissed him as he pulled her close as the kiss got more passionate. They walked through the flat as she pushed him onto the bed as she straddled him and pulled her top of as he looked to her and groaned "your not useless Iain, trust me" she said as she leant in and kissed him as he flipped her so that she was on her back. They stripped off as he climbed on top of her and pushed into her causing her to moan as he started to move in and out of her.

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