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Rae sighed as she lay in bed as faith sat on top of her giggling. She looked as Iain walked in with a towel around his waist. She sat up and smirked as she looked to him "your lucky our daughter is here awake" she said as he lay on the bed and smirked as he looked to her "And what would be doing if she want" he asked as she placed a hand on his stubble and smirked as she leant in and kissed him "practicing" "for what?" "Making faith siblings" she said as he pulled out of the kiss and looked to her and raised an eyebrow at her "I want to know what you want, I know we have faith together and that but do you want more?" She asked as he placed a hand on her cheek and smiled as he leant in and kissed her passionately

"I do I want babies upon babies with you and I want a marriage but not yet I want to be happy with just the three of us. We are going to be happy and by that I mean that we are going to be happy and forget Rita because she doesn't matter" he said as she looked to him and smirked as she placed faith in her cot and smirked as she placed a hand on his cheek and leant in and kissed him "I love you iain dean, more than anything" she said as he looked to her and smiled "and I love you too" she said as he pulled her close. She rolled over so that she was on top of him as they made out passionately. He ran his hands up her thighs as they started to strip off. Iain rolled over so he was on top of her as faith started to cry causing them both to moan. Rae looked to her and sighed "this is why your an only child" Rae said as Iain chuckled


Rae stood in the ambulance bay with Iain as he held her close kissing her "I have to go back to work" she said as he looked to her and smirked "so, we have time" he said as he pulled her into the back of the ambulance as they kissed passionately. She ran her hands through his hair as they stripped off. She pulled him to her and moaned as he pushed into her causing her to moan as he started to move in and out of her. She kissed him passionately as they had sex as he pulled her close. She felt herself reach her high as the door opened as jez walked in and smirked "when your fine boss we have work to do nice to see you rae" he teases as he walked off


Rae walked into the ED and frowned at the drama. She walked over to Lexi and smiled "what's going on?" She asked as Lexi looked to her and sighed "there's been RTC it's grace and Connie" lexi said as Rae frowned to herself hoping they'd be okay

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