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Rae sighed to herself as she stood in the nursery as she comforted a fussy faith. Iain walked into the nursery and smiled as she took faith from her and smiled "are you sure that there is nothing wrong?" Rae asked Iain as he looked to her and smiled as he placed a hand on her cheek. Rae couldn't shake the feeling that there was something wrong with faith. Iain looked to Rae and smiled "I promise you, that she is fine. She's a baby and she's teething. She is fine, she absolutely fine" he said as Rae looked to faith as she chewed down on her teething ring as Rae looked to her and smiled. Rae knew that she was anxious and she knew it was all to do with how she had been treated in the past and how scared that she actually was.


Later that morning, Rae and Iain got to work. Rae dropped faith off at the crèche and smiled to her as she wiped her snotty nose. She walked down the ED and saw Iain who was talking with Rita in the staffroom. She stood listening in, she didn't trust Rita around Iain no matter how much Iain reassured her that it was okay and that there was noting to worry about "so, my flat fell through and I have no where to stay. Why don't I stay with you and help with faith?" She asked as he chuckled nervously and looked to her "I don't think so, besides I think Rae will have something to say about it" Iain said as he walked off. He saw Rae standing by the doorway as they looked to each other and smirked.

Rae walked into the staffroom as Lexi followed her and smiled "hey, what's up?" She asked as Rae turned to her and smiled "Rita just asked Iain if you can stay with us?" Rae said as Lexi looked to her and chuckled "your kidding right!" She asked as Rae smiled "I wish, Iain told her where to go so I've got him well trained" Rae teased as Lexi chuckled to her and smiled "she has some nerve Rita, after how she's tried to break you up and what she wants to sleep in your Guidry bedroom?" Lexi asked as Rae looked to her and smiled "no, I think she wanted to sleep with my fiancée in our bed, and try and play mummy to my daughter, no chance is it going to happen" Rae said as Lexi looked to her and chuckled.


Later that day, Rae stood in resus. She was annoyed after hearing a rumour that Rita had spread over her sleeping with Iain. Iain came in with a call out as he spotted Rae and frowned as he saw that she was off. He grabbed her and pulled her to the side and looked to her and frowned "what's going on?" He asked as she looked to him and sighed "I'm annoyed" she said as he looked to her and frowned "why?" He asked as she sighed "didn't you hear? Rita spread a rumour and claimed that she is sleeping with you" Rae said as he sighed and looked to her "it's not true" he said as she looked to him and smiled "I know, I know you and I know you wouldn't" she said as he looked to her and smiled "ignore her, she's not worth it" he said as he leant in and kissed her as she looked to him and smiled.

Later that day, Rae walked towards the staffroom and frowned as she looked to see Rita who tried to flirt with Iain. She watched as Iain pushed her away and frowned "I want nothing more to do with you, you are twisted and messed up and I love Rae and she is my life, stay away from me and stay away from my family" Iain said as he walked out as she looked to him and smiled "have I ever told you I love you?" Rae asked Iain as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close and kissed him.

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