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Olivia sat on the edge of her bed, she wiped away her tears. She didnt know just how much of it she couldnt take the beatings "olivia" said simon, the voice of her boyfriend, Olivia wiped away the tears and stood up and walked into the living room to see simon drinknig a beer, She had fallen in love with simon when she was sixteen and he was a different person back then, he never drank and he never hurt her, not then but now it was different she was 22 now and he had changed, he was always dangerous, but he was older and she loved that about him, now she hated every minute, that she spent with him "what is it" olivia asked "this isnt the beer i like" simon said and olivia took a deep breath "i bought a cheaper pack, to save us money" olivia said as simon placed the car of lager down and stood up "you stupid bitch" he said as he punched her across the face, and she fell to the floor, Simon grabbed a fist full of her brown hair and yanked her up by it "ahh" she said "your so stupid, you cant even buy the right kind of beer, your pathetic, no wonder your parents want nothing to do with you" he siad as he threw her to the floor and kicked her into the rubs repeatly "stupid bitch" simon said as he stood up and walked out of the house, leaving her lying there, lying there sobbing.

Olivia stood up and walked into the bathroom and looked to her reflection, she had blood and bruises over her face. She looked at her reflection and started to cry. she felt dirty and disgusting, she had had enough. Olivia ran a bath and stripped out of her clothes, she looked to the brusies and cuts that she had on her body and wiped away the tears in her eyes. She traced her hands over the bruises and flinched before she got into the bath, she pulled her knees up to her chest and she started to sob, she sobbed and she sobbed. She knew her relationship was over, she knew she couldnt do it anymore she didnt have the strength to it anymore, Olivia grabbed a razor and played with it in her hands, she felt as if she had no choice, she took the razor blade and slid it over her wrist and watched as the blood oozed out and into the water. She cleaned her wrists up and got out of the bath.

Olivia walked into the bedroom and decided she had had enough, she knew that simon was likely to kill her especially if she stopped any longer, she knew she had to leave, she needed to start over. Olivia packed her bags, she didnt know where she ws gonig to go but she did know she needed to book a one way ticket, and she vowed that she would ever return. She placed her phone in the empty drawer and picked up her bags, she had to leave before simon got back, she couldnt stay here. She walked to the door and sighed, she couldnt be olivia fields anymore she had to change everything about her, including her identity.

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