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Rae sighed to herself as she stood in kitchen with faith. She wasn't feeling well. Rae looked as Iain walked into the room and smiled as he walked over to her and kissed her head and smiled

"are you okay?" He asked as she looked to him and smiled

"I'm just tired, can take her I feel like I'm going to throw up" she said as he looked to her and frowned. She grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and sighed as she took a sip of it

"you really dont seem well" he said as she looked to him and smiled as he kissed the top of her head and smiled

"take the day off babe" Iain said

"I'll be fine, I promise. I am going to go get ready for work. Can you feed her for me" Rae asked as Iain nodded. Rae walked off to the bedroom and started to get ready for work.

Rae knew that Iain wanted to have another baby and she was scared that she could be pregnant again. Rae knew that she and Iain weren't careful and they hadn't decided but now she was scared that the decision had been for them.

Rae was scared as she didn't know if she could have another baby. She sat on the bed and clutched her stomach and sighed. She felt sick and she didn't know if she could do it.

Rae sighed to herself as she started to get dressed for work. She knew that the last thing she wanted was to go into work

Rae got to work and sighed as she walked into the staffroom and saw Lexi who looked to her and smiled "are you okay?" Lexi asked as she looked to her best friend

"I've been better. Iain wants to try for another baby and I was unsure and now I think I might be pregnant and I don't know what to do as I am scared" rae said as Lexi sat next to her and smiled

"your a great mum and I know that if you have one, two or fifty babies you'll still be a good mum. Take a test and find out and talk to Iain, he loves you and you guys are forever" Lexi said as rae looked to Lexi and smIled.

Rae knew that she she was right and that she needed to find out but the thought over having another baby made her think. Made her think over who she was and how she wanted to find her birth family.

She was adopted and because of the disaster that had become of it. Rae knew it had let to her being abused by her ex and it terrified her still

Rae sighed as she sat in the staff toilets as she looked down at the pregnancy test in her hands. She looked at the positive mark and sighed. Rae didn't know what to do or how she felt flee having a baby.

She didn't know who she was anymore and she wanted to find out just who he was. Rae walked out of the toilets and walked to the ambulance bay. She looked to Iain as he stood messing around with jez.

Iain saw her and smiled as he turned to face her

"can we talk?" Rae asked as he looked to her and smiled. He walked over to her and frowned as he saw how off that she seemed


"I'm pregnant Iain and I don't know what to do" she sobbed as he pulled her into hug and smiled

"it's going to be okay I promise" Iain said but could they make it work with another baby?

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