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Rae felt as if she was going to be sick "hi liv, thought you could except me huh" Simon said and Iain walked over "who's liv, rae" he asked " I am" rae aoad before she walked off, she couldn't face it all, just when she was getting over her past it come back to bite her

Rae ran off, she felt sick to her stomach. She ran outside and threw up outside in the car park. Before she rested her head back against the wall. She stood panting catching her breathe back. She wiped away the tears in her eyes, she couldn't believe what had happened. Rae had tried so hard to start a new life and then he turns up, thinks were starting to get good and he comes and ruins it, she knew Iain would hate her now.

Rae sat on a bench and ran her hands through her hair, she heard someone walk over to her. She could smell his cologne. Rae looks up to see Iain standing in front of her, he had his arms crossed over his chest and was glaring at her "you lied to me" Iain said as rae looked up at him with tears on her eyes "your damn right I am, rae...Olivia....what the hell am I meant to call you, I liked you and you lied to me" Iain said his arms crossed over his chest "you don't understand" rae said as she looked down to her hands. She hated this, she didn't want Iain to hate her, she actually liked him, a lot.

Iain took a seat next to rae on the bench and sighed "why didn't you tell me" Iain asked and rae looked at her "tell you what Iain, that I had to change my identity, because of my ex who so happened to turn up here today. I've worked so hard to not be Olivia, the girl that he broke. I was seventeen and Simon....Simon wasn't like how he is, he was kind, sweet and thoughtful then it was like he changed overnight. Every little thing that he didn't lie, he would kick me to the ground and beat me, use his belt on me, burn me the lot. I was eighteen when....when he" rae started to day with tears in her eyes. Iain placed a hand on top of hers feeling like crap for yelling at her. "What did he do rae" iain asked as she turned to look at him "rae?" Iain said as s tear fell down her face. Iain placed his hands on her cheek and wiped away the tear "you can tell me" Iain said as he rested his foreehsd against hers "he raped me, I said no, but he wouldn't take no for an answer, I felt dirty I still do. He said I was cheap and deserved it, I can still smell the alcohol on his breath, his skin against mine and it just males me want to be sick" rae said tears falling down her face. Iain placed his hand over her shoulder and pulled her into his chest where she cried "he won't hurt you again" Iain saidbas he kissed her head.

Iain walked off, he was going to make Simon pay "Connie, can you you go and see if rae is alright, she's sitting outside" Iain asked as he walked into the room where Simon was being treated. Connie nodded and walked off. Simon smirked to Iain "so your the boyfriend, bet it didn't take her long to open her legs for you, she's cheap enough" Simon said as ian grabbed him by the shoulders and pinned him against the wall "I'll tell you, what your going to do. Your going to leave, discharge yourself and your going to leave and never look back and if I hear that your in contact or even thinking of laying a finger on rae, I'll tell you what I'm going to do, I'm going to get a couple of my army friends and we'll come looking for you...and stay away from rae" "her name is okvia" Simon said "no, its not you killed Olivia, and I'll kill you with my bare hands if you think of hurting my girl, leave" iain said pushing him against the bed and walking away to find rae. He was determined to help her through this.

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