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Rae was now five months pregnant and she and Iain were excited to have their baby. Rae woke up and groaned. She placed a hand on her small bump as she looked to Iain who lay asleep in bed next to her. She sat up and groaned slightly as she placed a hand on her small bump as the baby kicked away. Rae got up and ready for work. She walked over next to Iain and brushed his messy hair out of his face. He groaned and woke up under his touch "hey" she said as he smiled. She leant in and kissed him and he smiled "I'm heading into work, what time are you on?" She asked "couple of hours" Iain said as she smiled. She leant in and kissed him "I'll see you at work" she said as she went to walk off "wait" he said as he pulled her to him so that she was on top of him. She looked down at him and smiled. She brushed a loose piece of hair out of her face as she leant in and kissed him. She moaned into the kiss before she pulled away "no really. I have to go" Rae said as Iain smiled and nodded "okay, I'll see you at work" he said as she stood up and walked out of the house.


Rae got to work and met up with Lexi and smiled "you look tired?" Lexi said as Rae stood by cubicles "it's called pregnancy, it takes it out of you" Rae said as Lexi chuckled. Rae grabbed her phone and smiled to the sweet text off of her Iain. She smirked to himself as she sent him a dirty text. She bite her lip as she sent it. Before she walked off to deal with her patient in cubicles. She walked to reception as she saw Iain who came in with a call out. He looked to her and they smirked to each other. Iain walked over to her and she smiled "did you get my text?" She asked as he narrowed her eyes at him "oh, I got it alright" he said as she took a step towards him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he pulled her to him and kissed her "I did, and I think we need to discuss it in my office" he said as she looked to him "I would love to, but I have work to do" Rae said as she walked off to cubicles. She felt herself turn white as she looked to see her ex, Simon.


Lexi walked over to where Rae was standing. She spotted her having a panic attack "Rae, calm down. It will be okay" Lexi said as she started to calm down. She looked to Lexi and smiled "are you okay?" Lexi asked as Rae nodded "it's my ex" Rae said as Lexi looked over to where Robyn was with Simon as lily examined him "the one that beat you?" Lexi asked as Rae nodded "go find Iain" Lexi said as Rae nodded. She walked to the Ambulance baby and watched as Iain stood cleaning the ambulance "can I talk to you?" She asked as he looked to her "can it wait, I'm a bit busy" he said. She sighed as she saw that he was in a bad mood "you know what, screw it" Rae said as she walked off and walked back to the ED.


Lexi walked into the ambulance bay and looked to see Iain "Lexi, everything okay?" He asked as Lexi looked to him and sighed "I came to find Rae, she came to see you and hasn’t returned. Is she here?" Lexi asked as Iain sighed "no, I was acting moody and she walked off. Why what's up?" Ian asked "her ex, Simon is at the ED and she had a panic attack. I'm worried about her" Lexi said as Iain sighed. Little did they both know that her ex had already found her and stabbed her. Leaving Rae and her unborn baby's life hanging in the balance.

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