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Rae stood in the middle of the ED she stood watching as Iain was stood in. She stood froozen, she felt numb. Tears fell down her face. She didn't want to loose Iain. She watched as the other doctors and nurses tried to stabilize Iain. She didn't even sense Ethan walk over to her "rae" he said as she pulled herself out of her trail of thought. She looked at her and bite her lip. Trying to stop herself from crying "hey, he'll be okay" Ethan said as rae sat on a seat, as Ethan sat next to her. He placed his hands over her shoulder as she looked at him "I....I can't loose him Ethan. I'll never forgive myself if I i do" rae sobbed. He pulled her into a hug and she cried into his chest. "Iain dean is a fighter rae. You know that he will be okay" Ethan said and rae nodded. She just wanted him to be okay. She couldn't loose him not now, not when she had just gotten him.

Rae sat in the waiting room. She was biting her nails, it was something that she always did when she nervous or anxious. She sighed as she ran her hands through her hair as cal walked in. Rae looked up at him "how is he?" Rae asked as she wiped away her tears away. "He's asleep, he lost a lot of blood but we've stopped the bleeding" cal said "can I see him" rae asked. Cal looked at her and smiled as he sat next to her "what happened" cal asked "its my fault, it should be me, in there not him. He jumped in front of me. He saved me, he shouldn't be there it should be me" rae sobbed "its not your fault, who is it. Who shot the gun" cal asked "my ex, Simon" rae said .

Cal sighed as he took a seat next to her "why do I have a feeling there's more to it" cal akses "because there is. I ran away form him, rae Wilson isn't my name its Olivia fields. I ran away form him, he beat me black and blue for year and I just wanted to not be scared, I was scared to breath. To blink. Every little thing I did, it was wrong. He would beat me for it and it got so cal. It got to a point I wanted to end it, end it all"  rae said as cal wrapped an arm around her and hugged her "he won't hurt you, I promise" cal said.

Rae walked into Iain hospital room. She smiled at him and took his hand in hers. She hated how he had got hurt. He looked at her and smiled. Rae frowned "what's the matter?" Iain asked "its all my fault, it should of been me. Not you" rae said "no, don't you dare that. It is not yours, just that psycho of an ex" Iain said. Iain squeezed her hand and smiled at her "rae....I meant what I said back there, whether of not I thought that I was dying. I love you, your the mist beautiful, funny, sexiest girl I have met and I am head over heels in love with you rae Wilson" Iain said. Rae smiled as she sat next to Iain on the bed, she kissed his lips and he smiled at her "I love you too" rae said as she cuddled into him lying on his hospital bed, soon falling asleep in his eyes, feeling happy for once in years. She felt safe with Iain and she wouldn't change a thing.

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