My Hero

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Rae Wilson, is new at holby. She's a nurse and she likes to keep her head down. She has a terrible time in the past few years. She's escaped an abusive relationship and just managed to save her life. Shes decided that once she started at holby, she needs a new start, including changing her identity. Her real name is Olivia Fields and no one knows why, she left Ireland.

She turns up and she catches the eye of a certain paramedic. Iain Dean. Iain is drawn by Rae, he wants to help her but will she let down her walls and let him in or will she push Iain away. rae knows Iain isn't a bad guy, she knows that given the chance she could fall deeply in love with him. But she's terrified of being hurt again.

Will Iain walk away from rae when she needs him the most? or will he stick by her? what happens when her ex shows up, and is hell bent on making her suffer? will Iain be there to safe the day and be her hero or is it just all to much for Iain to handle? find out in my hero!!

Published: 10th April 2017

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