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Rae sat in bed as Iain walked in and looked to her. Iain was worried over her, he knew how confused and conflicted that she was ever since she discovered the truth, that her parents who weren't who she thought and how her best friend was actually her long lost twin sister that she had no clue about.

Iain walked over to Rae and handed her a cup of tea and smiled

"i thought that you could use it" he said as he sat opposite her on the bed, she sat up and took it from him and smiled

"thanks, when did I get so lucky to get you" she said as he smiled

"you must of been a saint in a different life. Are you okay" he asked as she sighed

"I really don't know I just feel so confused and how I have no idea who I am anymore. I feel like I am not me you know" Rae said as Iain looked to her and smiled as he took a hold of her hand and smiled

"I know who you are. You are my fiancée, the mother of my child and you are the person I love most in the world and this doesn't change who you are, I promise you that" Iain said as Rae looked to him and smiled 
Rae stood in the staffroom as she got to work, she looked to see Lexi and smiled

"I wanted to see how you are. I am so sorry about things, about everything I had no idea I really didn't how are you" Lexi asked as Rae looked to her and gave her a look as Lexi nodded

"right, stupid question. I know how hard that things are but I am here for you and I am sorry" lexi said as Rae looked to her and smiled

"what have you for to ge sorry for"

"the fact you went through what you did, you know things could of been different if you stayed with us...I know you want the full story it's not my place to give it and you might not want to hear it but you may not of bet your ex and gone through what you did if you were with us" lexi said as rae smiled

"you never know, I just need time Lex, it's a lot to deal with knowing your parents weren't who you thought they were and knowing that everything was a lie and I know it's not your fault but it's just a lot to deal with you know" Rae said as Lexi looked to her and nodded

"I just don't want to loose you" lexi said as Rae smiled

"you won't I promise"

Rae stood outside of the hospital and looked to see Kate as she pulled up and smiled

"I didn't think that I'd get your call. Is everything okay"

"yeah it will be. If I get the answers I need. Everything I know has been a Lie and I need the truth" Rae said as Kate looked to her and nodded but could Rae accept the truth over what happened or would it be too much?

All that rae knew that whatever she heard that it would change everything

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