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Rae stood in front of the mirror, se stood in her underwear as she expected the bruises that she had over her body, the bruises that simon had gather hr. Rae was starting to feel as if she was finally free, the thought that simon might find her and kill her was still in the back of her mind. Raes phone buzzed off fo the side and she flinched before rememeber that it couldnt be simon, he didnt know where she was, he didnt know her as rae, he knew her as olivia fields and olivia fields was as good as died. Rae rufused to ever be olivia again. She picked up her phone to see that she had a text off of Iain, he was desperate to get her to go out for a drink with him and deep down rae knew she couldnt get close to him, she didn't want him to get close, she didn't want to hurt him and more than anything she didn't want to be hurt by him, no matter howbsweetnand charming he was, she wouldn't be the girl that got walk over.

Rae flgot to the ED, and walked in picking up the clipboard for her patient, she sighed as she read through yet another domestic violence patient, it hurt her knowing that these girls were a lot younger than her and that they, unlike her still believed their partners had changed. Rae walked in to see a familiar face, jade, jade was someone she knew when she was Olivia when shebwas with simon. Jade looked at her and frowned, rae had died her hair dark so that, she wouldn't look to much like Olivia "do I know you" jade asked and rae frowned "no, I can't say that you do" rae said as she checked jades out for the cuts and bruises "you look familiar" "is that so" rae said as she looked to jades ribs, jade flinched "it looks like you have a few broken  ribs, but we'll give you some pain killers for that" rae said and jade nodded and looked to her, as if she was trying to work out who rae actually was.

Rae walked into the toilets and threw up, she was sweating she scared, so scared in which Simon would find her and if jade remember olvia she knew that Simon would come for her. Rae wiped away the sweat away from her forehead and took a deep breath before walking back into the ED, connie watched her with concern, she knew something was up with rae, but she wasn't sure what.

At the end of the shift, rae changed into her clothes and stood in the staff room when Iain walked in. Rae smiled at him "one drink? Come on, come have some fun" Iain said and rae smiled "you know what, after that day I've had why not" rae said grabbing her coat. Iain smiled at her placing his arm over her shoulder " I know you could resist my charm for too long" Iain said and rae rolled her eyes "no, just had a bad day and I could do with a drink" rae said smirking as Iain shook his head.

Rae ordered herself a point of beer and Iain looked to her "no vodka??" Iain asked "no, I don't drink that crap...I drink real drink" rae said and Iain smiled at her as he ordered a drink himself. After a few drinks rae and Iain sat at the back of the pub laughing "your amazing, you know that" is in said as he brushed a strand of hair out of her face "yeah" rae said as Iain leant closer, rae knew what was happening but she didn't want to stop it, she wanted it to happen. Iain brushed his lips against hers as rae rested her hand on his cheek and kissed him back

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