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Rae stood in the shower as the water consumed her. It felt freshing as she got the smell of Simon off of her, he hadnt of touched hee , but ever since she had left him, she still felt dirty knowing what he did to her made her feel so dirty. "Rae babe, are you okay" Iain asked as he knocked on the bathroom door pulling her out of her deep thought. "Yeah" rae called as she turned to shower off and wrapped a towel around her and dried her hair with a towel and walked back into the bedroom where Iain was sitting on the bed in a pair of boxers "thanks off stopping, I know you said he's gone, but....but I'm scared that he might come back" rae said as iain stood from the bed and walked over go her hugging her. Iain ran his hand up and down her bag comforting her as she tucked her head under his chest. "I won't let him hurt you I promise" Iain said as he brushed his lips against hers, rae kissed Iain back as she wrapped her arms around his neck kissing him back, the towel that was wrapped around her fell to the ground as Iain smirked leading her to the bed.

Rae's smirked as she placed a hand on Iain's cheek "your amazing you know that" Iain said as he brushed his lips against hers. Rae smiled to Iain and he frowned to her "you look as if you want to say something babe" iain said "maybe....I don't know" rae said as Iain rested his forehead against her "tell me" "just.....what if he comes back" "then I'll kill him, no one touches my girl" Iain said and road smiled and kissed him as she wrapped her leg around his waist.
Rae smirked as Iain pulled out his hardened member as he kissed her and pushed into her. Rae moaned  as she ran her hands up and down his back, digging his nails into his back. Iain moved in and out of her, as rae rolled her head back moaning loudly.

Rae slipped on her dressing gown as the door bell rang. She walked to the door and frowned as she seen a parcel. She waled inside and opened it to see that it was a necklace, it had a label on it 'missing you-simon' rae felt her heart drop "babe" Iain called as he walked down the stairs. Rae turned to face him "what is it" Iain asked "nothing" "rae" rae sighed as Iain walked over to her and placed a hand on her cheek "I need to shoe you something" rae said as she walked over to a cupboard, which was full of gifts off of Iain "are they off of him" Iain asked and rae nodded "why didn't you tell me" Iain asked "I was scared" rae said "come here" Iain said as he hugged her "your my girl, you know you can tell me right?" Iain asked and she nodded.

"I'll sort it trust me babe" Iain said as he slipped his slipped shoes on "wait" rae said as she grabbed some clothes off of the radiator "what are you ding, your not going near him" "I know his temper best Iain"" fine" Iain said as they walked out into his car as rae guided him to Simons. As they got there they walled in, rae held Iain's hand feeling scared "this this where you use to live" Iain asked "yeah" rae said as they walked through the empty flat "its okay" Iain said kissing her forehead as they heard the shout of clicking "if you look who it is, did you get my gifts" Simon asked as he pointed the gun at rae "I should of done this years ago" Simon said as Iain pushed rae out of the way as Iain walked off over to Iain fighting the gun off of Simon and A gun shot went off.

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