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Rae sighed to herself as she stood in the staffroom with Lexi. She was annoyed over Rita and her lies. Her lies about Iain and claiming that he had hit her. Rae knew it was all a lie. She knew Iain and that he was a good guy and he would never hit a woman. Rae has been in an abusive relationship in the past and she knew that there was something off. She knew that Rita was lying about it. Rae looked to Iain as he walked into the staffroom and smiled as he walked to Rae. She walked over to him and smiled as she walked over to him and placed a hand on his cheek and smiled "are you okay" she asked as he looked to her and smiled "I guess, everyone is looking and judging you me. How long until the police come for me" he said as she looked to him and smiled. She placed a hand on his cheek and smiled

"They won't, you never touched her" Rae said as she leant in and kissed him as Rita walked in and frowned as she looked to him "how long are you going to lie. You and I both know he didn't hit you , he wouldn't hurt a fly" Rae said as Charlie walked in and frowned "what's going on?" He asked as Rita sighed as she looked to Iain "your right, I lied I'm sorry Iain" she said as Rae looked to her and glared as Iain stormed off "your pathetic. Stay away from him, stay away from us" Rae spat as she walked after Iain. She walked after him and hugged him and smiled "it's going to be okay" Rae said as Iain pulled her close and smiled "I hope that your right" Iain said


Rae stood in the staffroom and sighed. She was angry, she was angry with Rita with lying over such a thing. Lexi walked into the room and smiled as she looked to see Rae. She walked over to her best friend and smiled "you know that things are going to be okay, I know that the angry for what she did but it will be okay. It's not your fault, you have stuck by rota and she is going to get what is coming to her" Lexi said as Rae looked to her and sighed. Rae knew that she was angry and that she wanted Rita to pay. "It's going to be okay, don't you worry" Lexi said as Rae looked to her and nodded


Rae walked into the ambulance bay and smiled as she saw Iain. She looked to him and smiled "did you hear?" Iain asked as Rae nodded "that Rita is leaving,if you ask me it's the best news that could of happened" Rae said as he looked to her and smiled "it's all going to be okay, from now on it's you and me and faith. Everything is going to be okay" Iain said as he looked to her and smiled as he leant in and kissed her

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