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Rae couldn't help but worry that her life had been a lie. She was worried that she had been lied to for so long.

When she woke that morning, she walked into the kitchen. She saw Iain and smiled. "Morning."

"Hey. You okay?"

Rae nodded and smiled. But she knew she wasn't okay. She was worried. Worried that everything had been a lie for her.

Iain walked over and kissed her. She turned the kiss heated. She looked at him. "I love you."

"I love you too."


Rae arrived at work. She walked over to Lexi and smiled. "Hey. You okay?" Rae asked.

Lexi nodded. "Yeah. I'm good. I just.. I don't know. Me and Cal aren't getting on. He thinks I'm seeing someone else. I'm not. I just haven't been myself lately."

Rae smiled. She sighed. "I know you're not. But is there anything going on with your mum?"

Lexi shrugged. "It feels like she's hiding something from me. But she won't tell me what it is. She thinks I'll be mad at her. So I have to figure it out on my own. Which is annoying as hell."

Rae grinned as she looked at her. "Maybe I can help you? In between patients of course. We wouldn't want to lose our jobs," she said.

Lexi laughed and nodded. "You're on. How are you and Iain doing?"

"We're doing good. We had amazing sex this morning."

Lexi rolled her eyes but smiled. She had always felt a connection with Rae. She didn't know what it was either.

Iain was sitting in the ambulance bay with Cal. Cal sighed. "I think Lex is sleeping with Ethan. They're both on edge around me."

Iain frowned. "I don't think she would do that? She loves you mate."

Cal sighed again. "I don't know. She's been off with me lately. And I know Ethan has a thing for her. I know they had something before me and Lex got together," he said.

Iain laughed. "Everyone knew about that mate. Lexi isn't a cheater though. You just have to make it work. Talk to her. Tell her how you're finally," he told him.

Rae was working in Resus. She smiled as Iain brought in a patient. He winked at her. "Pizza and sex tonight?" He asked.

"Yes. Sounds lush. You're lush."

Iain laughed and kissed her. He watched as she started working on the patient. Iain knew he was in love with Rae. And with everything they had been through, he wanted them to last.

Rae knew that there was something going on. And she wanted to know what it was. She tried to call her mum. But she wasn't answering.

Iain walked over to her and kissed her. "You okay?" He asked.

"Have you ever felt like you're being lied to? I just feel like my life has been a lie and my mum won't answer me. What the hell is she playing at?"

Iain kissed her and smiled. "I'm sure no one is lying to you babe. I promise."

Rae nodded and sighed. But she was still adamant that she was being lied to. But could she prove it?

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