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Rae was pregnant. She couldn’t believe that she was actually pregnant "oh shit" Rae said as she looked down at the test. She chuckled to herself and smiled. She was glad that she and Iain had finally gotten there, that she was having his baby. She placed a hand through her hair and smiled as she looked to the test ad smiled. She needed to fine Iain and tell him, tell him he was going to be a dad. Rae walked into the ED and saw Lexi who smiled at her "hey, you okay?" She asked and Rae smiled "where's Iain?" Rae asked "he went on a call out, don’t worry" he said as she smiled "everything okay?" Lexi asked Rae who smiled "come here, I need to show you something" Rae said as she pulled Rae to the side near the staffroom.

Lexi frowned and looked to Rae "what's going on?" She asked as Rae showed her the pregnancy test. Lexi looked at it and smiled "no way, your pregnant?" She asked "yeah" Rae said as Lexi hugged her. She handed Rae the test "eww that has your pee on" Lexi said as Rae rolled her eyes at her "are you okay?" Lexi asked as Rae smiled and nodded "Rae?" "i don’t know, Iain and i have wanted this for so long, and now i don't know how feel about I all" Rae said as Lexi smiled at her "you will be okay, trust me" Lexi said as Rae smiled.


Rae walked into the ambulance bay later on and rolled her eyes as she saw Iain and jez messing around "oi monkey boy, can I borrow you" Rae said as Iain looked to her and smirked. He walked over to her and pulled her to an ambulance "did you come to have some fun while I'm a shift" he asked as he grabbed her waist and pulled her towards him. Rae looked to him and rolled her eyes "is that all you think about?" She asked as he smirked "you know I love you babe" he said as he placed a hand on her cheek and smiled to her. She leant into his touch and smiled " I have something to show you" Rae said as Iain looked to her and frowned. She pulled out the pregnancy test and gave it to Iain. He looked at it for a moment and then looked up at her "your pregnant?" He asked as she smiled and nodded. He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her into a hug "we're going to have a baby" he said as he kissed her. Rae looked to him and giggled slightly "baby dean" she said as he smiled to her "our baby dean" he said placing a hand on her stomach.


Rae walked back into the ED and smirked as she looked to Lexi and Cal who stood flirting. She walked over to her and raised an eye brow "what?" Lexi asked as Rae laughed "you know what, you and the doctor, is something going on with you two?" Rae asked as Lexi sighed "I don’t know, I mean I like him...but I like Ethan too" Lexi said "talk about liking the brothers" Rae said as Lexi smiled "its oaky, I mean you don’t need to choose now, it's still early days" Rae said "yeah" Lexi said as Iain walked into the ED, at the end of her shift. He walked over to her and she rolled her eyes at how happy he was and his beaming smile "so, what do you want to do tonight?" Rae asked "well im treating you to a nice greasy kebab and a film" he said as Rae chuckled "you're such a romantic aren't you" Iain smiled to her and pulled her to him and kissed her briefly "you love me" "yeah I do" Rae smiled.

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